二月 | 2020 | xxx2020年2月 – xxx


奔驰网联车爆19漏洞,携手360共商汽车安全解决方案 | 雷锋网
口述|胡祚雄 整理|李虓 [...]
RSAC 2020安全大会的二十个酷产品 – 51CTO.COM
Sodinokibi Ransomware gang threatens to disclose data from Kenneth Cole fashion firm
The operators behind Sodinokibi Ransomware have published the download links to archives containing data allegedly stolen from the US firm Kenneth Cole [...]
>TRICKBOT使用新的win 10 UAC绕过-网络安全-黑吧安全网
Trickbot木马是当前使用的最先进的恶意软件传播攻击。攻击者利用Trickbot木马可以用不同的方法来传播不同种类的恶意代码。近期,研究人员分析发现TRICKBOT木马使用了一种新的Windows 10 UAC绕过技术。 [...]
微信封杀下的字节跳动飞书 | 雷锋网
RSAC 2020议题之机器学习在缺乏法律约束的情况下将成为严重攻击面 – 安全客,安全资讯平台
3月1日每日安全热点 – 黑客泄漏多达4TB的OnlyFans内容供下载 – 安全客,安全资讯平台
漏洞 Vulnerability 谷歌Titan M芯片固件中的一个神秘漏洞(CVE-2019-9465) h […]
来源于微信公众号:笔记侠(ID:Notesman)高级笔记达人 | 李云封面设计& 责编 | 智勇
Simon Says, But With Servos | Hackaday
How much easier would life be if you could just grab hold of whatever mechanism you wanted to manipulate, move it like you want, and then have it imitate [...]
Long the Anonymous Cogs in Corporate America’s Back Office, Work-From-Home Crises Have Put the IT Department in the Spotlight – Slashdot
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作者|贝基·拉平竺 [...]
Introduction to Reactive Programming – DZone Java
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'Desus & Mero' Adapt to Life in Quarantine | WIRED
To revisit this article, select My⁠ ⁠Account, then View saved stories.Kate Knibbs Having one’s own TV show comes with a lot of perks, but these days [...]
>【安全帮】NVIDIA修复Windows GPU显卡驱动程序中的严重缺陷 – 游侠安全网
流氓软件卸载后仍留恶意模块 通过云控服务器随时“复活”近日某安全公司收到大量用户反馈,一款名为“巧压”的压缩软件卸载后还会“复活”——重新安装到用户电脑中。安全工程师分析后发现,在用户执行卸载操作时,“巧压”会将恶意模块驻留在用户电脑中,并可以通过恶意代码从云控服务器下载执行任意可执行文件。
AI+医药新进展!不到 1 年开发出治疗强迫症新药 | 雷锋网
近年来,AI 开始在原本费时、烧钱的药物研发过程中发挥效用。据外媒 Vox 报道,近日英国初创公司 ExScientia 称,已经利用 AI 开发出首款药物,并将于 2020 年 [...]
作者|郭如意  来源|GGV纪源资本(ID:GGVCapital)一.疫情的危与机1.以史为鉴:活下来,眼光放长远
At Home With Josh, Part 2: Lambda Cleaning and Inspection – ENGBLG
ENGBLGProject Reports & Thoughts of LCM+L Engineering TeamAs mentioned in my last post, the LMI Lambda I acquired spent most of the last two decades in [...]
Attackers Can Bypass Fingerprint Authentication With an 80 Percent Success Rate – Slashdot
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Trump’s Coronavirus ‘Experts’: A Field Guide | WIRED
To revisit this article, select My⁠ ⁠Account, then View saved stories.Gilad Edelman While millions of Americans may be worried about Donald [...]
作者|硅谷王川 来源|investguru(ID:investguru)1/ 如果把生活工作看成一个游戏,对于这个游戏,可以看到有两种不同的策略:一种是“为了胜利而战”, 要实现某个明确的目标,从一开始就限定了自己的路径,遇到障碍时,清除障碍的成本很大 [...]
Artificial Intelligence – A Practical Primer
By Jan Van de Poel on Apr 7, 2020 Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) seem to be taking the world by storm, [...]
PS5’s Controller, the DualSense, Revealed – Slashdot
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API Security Weekly: Issue #78 – DZone Security
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Crooks are attempting to take over tens of thousands of WordPress sites
One of the issues exploited in the attacks is a zero-day vulnerability that affects several plugins and that could allow hackers to create admin accounts [...]
SecWiki News 2020-02-29 Review
网站被植入Webshell,怎么处理? by Bypass Web中间件常见安全漏洞总结 by Bypass […]
The seL4 Foundation – What and Why | microkerneldude
hypervisor, open source, operating systems, real-time, seL4But what is the seL4 Foundation, and why did we create it?
Build Infrastructure as Code Efficiently With an Open Source Terraform Accelerator – DZone DevOps
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Getting Started With the Puppeteer API for Headless Chrome – DZone Integration
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Linux Fu: Tracing System Calls | Hackaday
One of the nice things about Linux and similar operating systems is that you can investigate something to any level you wish. If a program has a problem [...]
What Is an API Gateway? – DZone Integration
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Google Told Its Workers That They Can’t Use Zoom On Their Laptops Anymore – Slashdot
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State Transitions With Spring Integration – DZone Integration
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Nixie Clock Turns Boombox | Hackaday
With all the Nixie Clock projects out there, it is truly difficult to come up with something new and unique. Nevertheless, [TheJBW] managed to do so with [...]
Amazon Elastic Container Service now supports Amazon EFS file systems | AWS News Blog
You appear to be visiting from China. Please navigate to our optimized website at amazonaws-china.com. Interested in cloud offerings specifically [...]
3D Printering: When Resin Printing Gets Smelly | Hackaday
Nowadays, resin printers are highly accessible and can do some great stuff. But between isopropyl alcohol for part rinsing and the fact that some resins [...]
Connecting to the PostgreSQL Database From JMP – DZone Database
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Uber wants to redefine employment. More than 50 labor groups are fighting back – Los Angeles Times
A coalition of about 50 labor groups is asking congressional leaders to reject Uber Chief Executive Dara Khosrowshahi’s proposal for a new legal category [...]
Real Engineering Behind Ventilators | Hackaday
Experts on cognition tell us that most people think they know more than they really do. One particular indicator for that is if someone is an expert in one [...]
Alexa Skill With .NET Core – DZone Web Dev
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Create a Sub-Flow That Can Be Re-Used in Teneo Studio – DZone AI
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Reliability Check: Consumer And Research-Grade Wrist-Worn Heart Rate Monitors | Hackaday
Wearables are ubiquitous in today’s society. Such devices have evolved in their capabilities from step counters to devices that measure calories burnt, [...]
Easy and fast path to Video Object Detection (counting sharks) | Daniel Rojas personal Site
Video Object Detection is a very interesting problem that could help a lot of people. I found out about it talking to a shark researcher (maybe not his [...]
US Children With COVID-19 Less Likely To Be Hospitalized Than Adults, CDC Study Finds – Slashdot
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Help Save The National Videogame Museum | Hackaday
The National Videogame Museum in Sheffield, UK, houses a unique collection celebrating all decades of video games and their culture, and as the lockdown [...]
Kafka Stream (KStream) vs Apache Flink – DZone Big Data
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网络安全行业新动向:360安全专家谈RSAC 2020
美国时间2月28日,全球安全顶会RSAC 2020即将落幕。这场在美国旧金山举行的“安全奥林匹克”吸引了来自全球知名信息安全企业、行业决策者和资深专家学者40000余人参会。
8 Steps to Keep Remote Development Teams Secure – DZone Security
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又一款医疗AI产品获欧盟认证,致远慧图宣布拿到CE | 雷锋网
雷锋网(公众号:雷锋网) 消息,2020年1月,致远慧图科技旗下眼科人工智能医疗产品,获得欧盟CE认证。这是国内近期第二款获得欧盟认证的医疗人工智能产品。

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