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QNAP NAS在野漏洞攻击事件
本文作者:马延龙,叶根深,金晔2020年4月21号开始,360Netlab未知威胁检测系统监测到有攻击者使用QNAP NAS设备漏洞,攻击我们的Anglerfish蜜罐节点。我们看到这个漏洞PoC并没有在互联网上公布,攻击者在漏洞利用过程中相对谨慎,互联网上也仍有一些未修复漏洞的QNAP [...]
In the wild QNAP NAS attacks
Author:Yanlong Ma, Genshen Ye, Ye JinFrom April 21, 2020, 360Netlab Anglerfish honeypot started to see a new QNAP NAS vulnerability being used to launch [...]
Look at NTP pool using DNS data
With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more people have realized the importance of network infrastructure.  We don’t hear people talk about [...]
从DNS角度看NTP pool服务器的使用
随着互联网的快速发展,其已经深入到日常生活中的方方面面,越来越多的业内人员对于网络基础设施的重要性有了非常深入的认识。不过谈到基础设施,通常都会谈及DNS协议,但是还有一个关键的协议NTP(Network Time Protocol)却没有得到应有的重视。
New activity of DoubleGuns‘ gang, control hundreds of thousands of bots via public cloud service
Recently, our DNS data based threat monitoning system DNSmon flagged a suspicious domain pro.csocools.com. The system estimates the scale of infection may [...]
本文作者:jinye,JiaYu,suqitian,核心安全部研究员THL近日,我们的域名异常监测系统 DNSMon 捕捉到域名 pro.csocools.com 的异常活动。根据数据覆盖度估算,感染规模超过100k。我们通过告警域名关联到一批样本和 [...]
The LeetHozer botnet
On March 26, 2020, we captured a suspicious sample11c1be44041a8e8ba05be9df336f9231. Although the samples have the word mirai in their names and most [...]
LeetHozer Botnet分析报告
2020年3月26日我们捕获了一个可疑的样本 [...]
LeetHozer Botnet分析报告
2020年3月26日我们捕获了一个可疑的样本 [...]
Multiple fiber routers are being compromised by botnets using 0-day
Author: Yanlong Ma, Genshen Ye, Lingming Tu, Ye JinThis is our 3rd IoT 0-day series article, in the past 30 days, we have already blogged about 2 groups [...]
本文作者:马延龙,叶根深,涂凌鸣,金晔这是我们过去30天内的第3篇IoT 0-day漏洞文章,之前我们还披露了DrayTek Router在野0-day漏洞分析报告[1],LILIN [...]
DDG botnet, round X, is there an ending?
DDG is a mining botnet that we first blogged about in Jan 2018, we reported back then that it had made a profit somewhere between 5.8million and 9.8million [...]
DDG Mining Botnet 是一个活跃已久的挖矿僵尸网络,其主要的盈利方式是挖 XMR。从 2019.11 月份至今,我们的 Botnet 跟踪系统监控到 DDG Mining Botnet 一直在频繁跟新,其版本号和对应的更新时间如下图所示:
DDG Mining Botnet 是一个活跃已久的挖矿僵尸网络,其主要的盈利方式是挖 XMR。从 2019.11 月份至今,我们的 Botnet 跟踪系统监控到 DDG Mining Botnet 一直在频繁跟新,其版本号和对应的更新时间如下图所示:
Icnanker, a Linux Trojan-Downloader Protected by SHC
On August 15, 2019, 360Netlab Threat Detecting System flagged an unknown ELF sample (5790dedae465994d179c63782e51bac1) which generated Elknot Botnet [...]
Icnanker, 一个使用了SHC技术的木马下载器
2019年8月15日,360Netlab恶意流量检测系统发现一个通过SSH传播的未知ELF样本(5790dedae465994d179c63782e51bac1)产生了Elknot Botnet的相关网络流量,经分析这是一个使用了"SHC(Shell script [...]
LILIN DVR 在野0-day 漏洞分析报告
Multiple botnets are spreading using LILIN DVR 0-day
Author:Yanlong Ma,Lingming Tu,Genshen Ye,Hongda LiuWhen we talk about DDos botnet, we tend to think the typical scenario, some mediocre, code-borrowing [...]
Mozi, Another Botnet Using DHT
On September 03, 2019, a suspicious file was tagged by our new threat monitoring system and a quick checking on VT shows most engines flagged it as Gafgyt. [...]
P2P Botnet: Mozi分析报告
2019年09月03日我们捕获到一个可疑的的样本文件,大部分杀毒引擎将其识别为Gafgyt,但该样本和已知Gafgyt相似程度不高,只是复用了部分Gafgyt的代码。经过详细分析,我们确定这是Hajime之后,另一个基于DHT协议实现的P2P [...]
P2P Botnet: Mozi分析报告
2019年09月03日我们捕获到一个可疑的的样本文件,大部分杀毒引擎将其识别为Gafgyt,但该样本和已知Gafgyt相似程度不高,只是复用了部分Gafgyt的代码。经过详细分析,我们确定这是Hajime之后,另一个基于DHT协议实现的P2P [...]
P2P Botnet: Mozi分析报告
2019年09月03日我们捕获到一个可疑的的样本文件,大部分杀毒引擎将其识别为Gafgyt,但该样本和已知Gafgyt相似程度不高,只是复用了部分Gafgyt的代码。经过详细分析,我们确定这是Hajime之后,另一个基于DHT协议实现的P2P [...]
Dacls, the Dual platform RAT
On October 25, 2019, a suspicious ELF file (80c0efb9e129f7f9b05a783df6959812) was flagged by our new threat monitoring system. At first glance, it seems [...]
Lazarus Group使用Dacls RAT攻击Linux平台
2019年10月25号,360Netlab未知威胁检测系统发现一个可疑的ELF文件(80c0efb9e129f7f9b05a783df6959812)。一开始,我们以为这是在我们发现的Unknown [...]
Lazarus Group使用Dacls RAT攻击Linux平台
2019年10月25号,360Netlab未知威胁检测系统发现一个可疑的ELF文件(80c0efb9e129f7f9b05a783df6959812)。一开始,我们以为这是在我们发现的Unknown [...]
The awaiting Roboto Botnet
On August 26, 2019, our 360Netlab Unknown Threat Detection System highlighted a suspicious ELF file (4cd7bcd0960a69500aa80f32762d72bc) and passed along to [...]
The awaiting Roboto Botnet
On August 26, 2019, our 360Netlab Unknown Threat Detection System highlighted a suspicious ELF file (4cd7bcd0960a69500aa80f32762d72bc) and passed along to [...]
潜伏者:Roboto Botnet 分析报告
The Botnet Cluster on the
In the past few years, we have seen quite a few botnets on the netblock, how many? Readers can take a look at the following tag cloud, [...]
Emptiness: A New Evolving Botnet
Our honeypot system captured a new DDoS botnet sample on 2019-06-23. We named it Emptiness which comes from the running process name as well as its C2 [...]
Some Fiberhome routers are being utilized as SSH tunneling proxy nodes
On July 24, 2019, our Unknown Threat Detection System highlighted a suspicious ELF file with 0 VirusTotal detection.
Some Fiberhome routers are being utilized as SSH tunneling proxy nodes
On July 24, 2019, our Unknown Threat Detection System highlighted a suspicious ELF file with 0 VirusTotal detection.
Godlua Backdoor分析报告
2019年4月24号,360Netlab未知威胁检测系统发现一个可疑的ELF文件,目前有一部分杀软误识别为挖矿程序。通过详细分析,我们确定这是一款Lua-based Backdoor,因为这个样本加载的Lua字节码文件幻数为“God”,所以我们将它命名为Godlua Backdoor。
Godlua Backdoor分析报告
2019年4月24号,360Netlab未知威胁检测系统发现一个可疑的ELF文件,目前有一部分杀软误识别为挖矿程序。通过详细分析,我们确定这是一款Lua-based Backdoor,因为这个样本加载的Lua字节码文件幻数为“God”,所以我们将它命名为Godlua Backdoor。
Godlua Backdoor分析报告
2019年4月24号,360Netlab未知威胁检测系统发现一个可疑的ELF文件,目前有一部分杀软误识别为挖矿程序。通过详细分析,我们确定这是一款Lua-based Backdoor,因为这个样本加载的Lua字节码文件幻数为“God”,所以我们将它命名为Godlua Backdoor。
An Analysis of Godlua Backdoor
On April 24, 2019, our Unknown Threat Detection System highlighted a suspicious ELF file which was marked by a few vendors as mining related trojan on VT. [...]
2019年5月27号,360Netlab 未知威胁检测系统发现一个可疑的ELF文件,目前仅有一款杀毒引擎检测识别。通过详细分析,我们确定这是一款Proxy [...]
2019年5月27号,360Netlab 未知威胁检测系统发现一个可疑的ELF文件,目前仅有一款杀毒引擎检测识别。通过详细分析,我们确定这是一款Proxy [...]
An Analysis of Linux.Ngioweb Botnet
On May 27, 2019, Our Unknown Threat Detect System highlighted a suspicious ELF file, and till this day, the detection rate on VT is still only one with a [...]
Ongoing Credit Card Data Leak [Continues]
DNSMon is a network-wide DNS malicious domain analysis system we build here at 360Netlab. With the 10%+ total DNS traffic coverage in China, plus the other [...]
信用卡数据泄漏持续进行中 [快速更新]
DNSMon是一个全网DNS异常发现分析系统。基于我们可以看到的中国地区 10%+ 的DNS流量,加上我们多年积累的其他多维度安全数据以及安全分析能力,我们可以在一个独特的视角来实时监测 全网 每天 正在发生 的事情,我们可以 “看见” 正在发生的威胁。
DNSMon是一个全网DNS异常发现分析系统。基于我们可以看到的中国地区 10%+ 的DNS流量,加上我们多年积累的其他多维度安全数据以及安全分析能力,我们可以在一个独特的视角来实时监测 全网 每天 正在发生 的事情,我们可以 “看见” 正在发生的威胁。
Ongoing Credit Card Data Leak
DNSMon is a network-wide DNS malicious domain analysis system we build here at 360Netlab. With the 10%+ total DNS traffic coverage in China, plus the other [...]
SystemdMiner,when a botnet borrows another botnet’s infrastructure
About 3 hours after the release of this article, we found that the attacker took down the URL of some Payload downloads, the following URL has expired:
The new developments Of the FBot
Beginning on February 16, 2019, 360Netlab has discovered that a large number of HiSilicon DVR/NVR Soc devices have been exploited by attackers to load an [...]

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