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NEO Smart Contract Platform Runtime_Serialize Calls DoS
Zhiniang Peng from Qihoo 360 Core Security (pengzhiniang@360.cn)NEO is a non-profit, community-based blockchain project. It is a distributed network that [...]
Zhiniang Peng from Qihoo 360 core security [...]
APT-C-26(Lazarus 音译”拉撒路”)是从2009年以来至今一直处于活跃的APT组织,据国外安全公司调查显示,该组织最早的攻击可能和2007年针对韩国政府网站大规模DDOS攻击的“Operation Flame”行动相关,同时可能是2014 [...]
APT-C-26(Lazarus 音译”拉撒路”)是从2009年以来至今一直处于活跃的APT组织,据国外安全公司调查显示,该组织最早的攻击可能和2007年针对韩国政府网站大规模DDOS攻击的“Operation Flame”行动相关,同时可能是2014 [...]
Brief Analysis on APT Attack through Cryptocurrency Trading Software
APT-C-26 is an APT group that has been active since 2009. According to the research by an overseas security vendor, the group’s earliest attack may [...]
古河@360 Vulcan Team asset是EOS官方头文件中提供的用来代表货币资产(如官方货币EOS或自己发布的其它货币单位)的一个结构体。在使用asset进行乘法运算(operator [...]
EOS Asset Multiplication Integer Overflow Vulnerability
Yuki Chen of Qihoo 360 Vulcan TeamThe asset structure is defined in EOS’s system header file, it can be used to define the amount of some tokens (such as [...]
Donot APT组织-针对巴基斯坦最新攻击活动分析
Donot [...]
From A Patched ITW 0day to Remote Code Execution (Part I) – From Patch to New 0day
In May 2018, the Advanced Threat Response Team of 360 Core Security Division detected an APT attack exploiting a 0-day vulnerability and captured the [...]
Google Chrome pdfium shading drawing  integer overflow lead to RCE
Figure 1Since the value of m_nOrigOutputs is outside the scope of the array request space, an out-of-bounds write will occur at line #55 of Figure 2.
Google Chrome pdfium shading drawing 整数溢出导致远程代码执行
蓝宝菇 – 核危机行动揭秘
关键词:蓝宝菇、核危机、APT 从2011年开始持续至今,高级攻击组织蓝宝菇(APT-C-12)对我国政府、军工、科研、金融等重点单位和部门进行了持续的网络间谍活动。该组织主要关注核工业和科研等相关信息。被攻击目标主要集中在中国大陆境内。
CVE-2018-5002 – Analysis of the Second Wave of Flash Zero-day Exploit in 2018
On June 1, 2018, the Advanced Threat Response Team of 360 Core Security discovered an attack using a new Flash 0-day vulnerability on a global scale. The [...]
2018年6月1日,360核心安全高级威胁应对团队在全球范围内率先捕获了新的一起使用Flash [...]
EOS节点远程代码执行漏洞 — EOS智能合约WASM函数表数组越界
Yuki Chen of Qihoo 360 Vulcan TeamZhiniang Peng of Qihoo 360 Core Security我们发现了EOS区块链系统在解析智能合约WASM文件时的一个越界写缓冲区溢出漏洞,并验证了该漏洞的完整攻击链。
EOS Node Remote Code Execution Vulnerability — EOS WASM Contract Function Table Array Out of Bounds
Yuki Chen of Qihoo 360 Vulcan TeamZhiniang Peng of Qihoo 360 Core SecurityWe found and successfully exploit a buffer out-of-bounds write vulnerability in [...]
Analysis of CVE-2018-8174 VBScript 0day and APT actor related to Office targeted attack
Recently, the Advanced Threat Response Team of 360 Core Security Division detected an APT attack exploiting a 0-day vulnerability and captured the world’s [...]
Lock. 勒索病毒分析
ANDROID勒索软件黑产研究 ——恶意软件一键生成器
360烽火实验室 关键词:移动安全、手机勒索、一键生成器 一、手机勒索软件肆虐严重 [...]
对深度学习的逃逸攻击 — 探究人工智能系统中的安全盲区
ISC 2017中国互联网安全大会举办了人工智能安全论坛。 我们把论坛总结成为一系列文章,本文为系列中的第二篇。
深度学习框架中的魔鬼 — 探究人工智能系统中的安全问题
ISC 2017中国互联网安全大会举办了人工智能安全论坛。 我们把论坛总结成为一系列文章,本文为系列中的第一篇。
最新Office 0day漏洞(CVE-2017-11826)在野攻击通告
2017年9月28日,360核心安全事业部高级威胁应对团队捕获了一个利用Office [...]
New Office 0day (CVE-2017-11826) Exploited in the Wild
On September 28, 2017, Qihoo 360 Core Security (@360CoreSec) detected an in-the-wild attack that leveraged CVE-2017-11826, an office 0day vulnerability. [...]
关于“WireX Botnet”事件Android样本分析报告
2017年6月27日晚,乌克兰、俄罗斯、印度、西班牙、法国、英国以及欧洲多国遭受大规模Petya勒索病毒袭击,该病毒远程锁定设备,然后索要赎金。其中,乌克兰地区受灾最为严重,政府、银行、电力系统、通讯系统、企业以及机场都不同程度的受到了影响,包括首都基辅的鲍里斯波尔国际机场(Boryspil [...]
author: redrain@360CERT && attacker2001@360CERT BlackHat 2016 saw the report on vulnerabilities in video services. The authors continued [...]
Exploit MacOS Kernel Vulnerability to Escape Safari Sandbox
On Pwn2own 2017, macOS Sierra and Safari 10 from Apple were two of the platforms that have taken the highest number of hits. Though several other teams [...]
SambaCry 野外利用分析
Author: redrain & houjingyi159 @360网络安全响应中心 2017年5月24日Samba发布了4.6.4版本,中间修复了一个严重的远程代码执行漏洞,漏洞编号CVE-2017-7494,漏洞影响了Samba 3.5.0 [...]

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