九月 | 2019 | xxx2019年9月 – xxx


Helvetica’s Evil Twin, Hellvetica, Will Haunt Your Nightmares – Slashdot
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谁对自动驾驶更加充满期待?奥迪这份报告揭示了一些真相 | 雷锋网
Uber and Lyft Fight a Law They Say Doesn't Apply to Them | WIRED
The ride-hail companies are backing a ballot measure to overturn a California law intended to transform gig-economy workers from contractors to employees.
Uber Allegedly Paid $100K Ransom and Had Hackers Sign NDAs After Data Breach – Slashdot
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ACLU Sues FBI, DOJ Over Facial-Recognition Technology, Criticizing ‘Unprecedented’ Surveillance and Secrecy – Slashdot
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htop explained | peteris.rocks
Explanation of everything you can see in htop/top on LinuxLast updated on January 2, 2017
Fedora 31 Released – Slashdot
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US Interior Department To Ground Its Drones Over Chinese Spying Risk – Slashdot
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10月1日每日安全热点 – 如何破解PDF加密 – 安全客,安全资讯平台
漏洞 Vulnerability iPhone BootROM 漏洞说明及威胁评估 https://cert. […]
Spain and GitHub Are Blocking an App That Helped Protesters Organize – Slashdot
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eGobbler ‘s malvertising campaign hijacked over 1 billion ad impressions
Researchers at Confiant observed a malvertising campaign carried out by a threat actor dubbed eGobbler hijacked roughly 1.16 billion ad impressions to [...]
At Least 13 Managed Service Providers Were Used To Push Ransomware This Year – Slashdot
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Thinkphp 利用链 – 安全客,安全资讯平台
Netflix Expands Into a World Full of Censors – Slashdot
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医疗 AI 两大学术流派的“对立”与“融合”丨ISICDM | 雷锋网
本文转载自微信公众 号:华章管理(ID:hzbook_gl),作者:陈新宇 罗家鹰 邓通 江威 等
SecWiki News 2019-09-30 Review
攻击链分析标准化 by ourren 震网事件的九年再复盘与思考 by ourren SecWiki周刊(第2 […]
A new critical flaw in Exim exposes email servers to remote attacks
Exim maintainers released an urgent security update, Exim version 4.92.3, to address a critical security vulnerability that could allow a remote attacker [...]
Exclusive: MalwareMustDie analyzes a new IoT malware dubbed Linux/ AirDropBot
Yes, I have to confess, it was hard to wait all this time, but the reward it was worth it: unixfreaxjp is return, with a new, great page of reverse [...]
Six Arrested For Selling Chinese Gear To Military As ‘Made In America’ – Slashdot
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黑马!《中国机长》点映票房夺冠 但被《我和我的祖国》强势反超
Iran’s oil minister orders ‘Full Alert’ for oil sector on against attacks
Iran’s oil minister, Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, ordered companies operating in the energy sector to be on ‘full alert’ to the threat of [...]
African AI Experts Get Excluded From a Conference—Again  | WIRED
For the second year in a row, researchers from the developing world have been denied visas to a major AI conference in Canada.
开机画面被诉侵权!传音遭索赔两千万 回应:不会影响科创板上市
Instagram Will Test Hiding 'Likes' in the US Starting Next Week | WIRED
Hiding like counts is just the latest step in Instagram’s quest to become the safest place on the internet.
雷军抽奖送汽车多月未兑现 蔚来回应基准版交付刚开始昨日,有微博用户发文称,自己转发雷军微博所抽中的蔚来汽车ES6,至今仍未提车,从6月一直拖到了9月还未兑现。对此蔚来官方微博回应称,“基准版交付刚刚开始,雷总的车也在排队,已经安排专人跟您对接啦。”
Arcane Stealer V, a threat for lower-skilled adversaries that scares experts
In July 2019, researchers at Fidelis Threat Research Team (TRT) analyzed a sample of Arcane Stealer V, a .net information-stealing malware that is easy to [...]
Vaping Illnesses Linked To Vitamin E Acetate, CDC Says – Slashdot
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雷军抽奖送汽车9个月未兑遭网友公开讨车 被送外号“雷冖”
前不久还为发布艺术品般的小米MIX α而意气风发的雷军,近日又被一件尴尬事困扰。他于去年承诺在微博抽奖送车,中奖人却迟迟未能领奖,不得不在微博公开讨车。这事还上了热搜,弄得全网周知。
Java Deserialization Tool Gadgetinspector First Glimpse
Author:Longofo@Knownsec 404 Team Time: September 4, 201 […]
>【安全帮】SIM卡又出现新漏送 可盗取用户短信和电话位置信息 – 游侠安全网
腾讯财付通发布风险警示:严厉打击非法网络炒汇9 月28 [...]
The Kids Suing to Save the World from Climate Change | WIRED
At the WIRED25 festival in San Francisco, three Juliana v. United States plaintiffs talk about suing the government to force it to save us from climate doom.
Visual6502 Remixed
Stealth Falcon黑客组织无文件后门分析
Stealth Falcon黑客组织,自2012年以来一直活跃,其主要目标是中东的政治活动家和记者。citizen lab机构在2016年发表了一份针对某一网络攻击的分析报告。2019年1月,路透社发表了一份关于“Raven计划”的调查报告,该计划目标与Stealth [...]
iPhone BootROM 漏洞说明及威胁评估 – 安全客,安全资讯平台
 报告编号:B6-2019-093001报告来源:360信息安全部 涅槃团队报告作者:360信息安全部 涅槃团队
iPhone BootROM 漏洞说明及威胁评估 – 安全客,安全资讯平台
 报告编号:B6-2019-093001报告来源:360信息安全部 涅槃团队报告作者:360信息安全部 涅槃团队
0x00、前言 攻击链分析是最近比较火的话题,但是ATT&CK攻击模型是针对APT总结出来的,现实当中哪有那么多APT攻击?所以,很多厂商在探索处理日常碰到的针对性攻击。把检测到的安全监控点事件串联起来,形成攻击链。当然需要经过应急响应团队二次评估。
Chakra漏洞调试笔记4-Array OOB – 安全客,安全资讯平台
 数组索引的边界检查是防止数组访问越界的有效手段。但是对数组索引的边界检查是比较耗时的,因此JIT引擎为了提高Javascript代码运行效率,对数组的边界检查在一定条件下进行了优化。Chakra中的相关代码主要在GlobOpt::OptArraySrc函数中,涉及的优化主要包括Bound Check [...]

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