五月 | 2019 | xxx2019年5月 – xxx


国家互金专委会上线网贷查询APP,提供出借端查验服务 | 雷锋网
富士胶片新建智能内窥镜工厂,重兵布局 AI 医疗领域 | 雷锋网
本文来源微信公众号:新经济100人(ID: qiyejiagc),作者:李志刚,新经济100人创始人兼CEO,畅销书《创京东》作者
Nobody wants to be woken up at 4 am – F-Tech
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麒麟985和麒麟990已经完成设计,但海思正迎来严峻挑战 | 雷锋网
6月1日每日安全热点 – BlueHat Shanghai 2019安全大会 – 安全客,安全资讯平台
漏洞 Vulnerability Jenkins插件多个漏洞 http://t.cn/AiKsNMAw Inf […]
Why did Intel kill off their modem program? – SemiAccurate
Username or Email Address Password Minutes after the Qualcomm/Apple settlement yesterday Intel announced they were shelving 5G modem development. [...]
0patch released micropatch for BearLPE Zero-Day flaw in Windows 10 Task Scheduler
Experts at 0patch released a micropatch to temporary fix a still-unpatched local privilege escalation on systems without rebooting them.
3D Printed Buttons, Printed As A Single Unit | Hackaday
These nifty buttons come from [Marc Schömann], and they are intended to cover just about any kind of tact switches. The buttons, their cover, and the [...]
Bringing FPGA Development To The Masses | Hackaday
The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is one of the most exciting tools in the modern hacker’s arsenal. If you can master the FPGA, you can create [...]
Space Photos of the Week: Chaotic, Gassy Mars | WIRED
Happy Independence Day from space! These cosmic fireworks are located at the star system Eta Carinae. It’s hard to get bleacher seats to this particular [...]
本文来源于微信公众号:笔记侠(ID:Notesman)今日笔记达人 | 榴莲阿姨封面设计 & 责编 | 智勇
How I encrypt my data in the cloud | robertclarke.com
July 05, 2019I have a lot of data spread out across several devices and cloud services and keeping them secure requires different levels of data [...]
Waymo Can Now Shuttle Passengers In Its Self-Driving Cars In California – Slashdot
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Amazon Seeks Permission to Launch 3,236 Internet Satellites
Credit: Shutterstock Amazon wants the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to give it the go-ahead to launch 3,236 satellites that would be [...]
SecWiki News 2019-05-31 Review
CTFTraining: CTF Training 经典赛题复现环境 by ourren 跟我一起学习玩转二维 […]
7 Best Sunglasses for Every Adventure and Budget (2019) | WIRED
CNMN Collection© 2018 Condé Nast. All rights reserved.Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User [...]
Microsoft warns for the second time of applying BlueKeep patch
Microsoft issued a new warning for users of older Windows OS versions to update their systems in order to patch the remote code execution vulnerability [...]
May 25th 2019
In addition to new variants of existing ransomware, we also had the Fallout exploit kit distributing a new ransomware payload and a spam campaign pushing [...]
How to Save Money and Skip Lines at the Airport | WIRED
More Americans are obtaining passports and going abroad than ever before—and thousands of different travel apps, websites, and services have proliferated [...]
NVIDIA rated the security issues as high severity
NVIDIA issued a security update for the Windows NVIDIA GeForce Experience (GFE) software to patch two vulnerabilities that could make it possible for [...]
Security expert shows how to bypass macOS Gatekeeper
The Italian security researcher Filippo Cavallarin demonstrated how to bypass the macOS Gatekeeper by leveraging trust in network shares.
Tim Wu Explains Why He Thinks Facebook Should Be Broken Up | WIRED
Last week, at the Aspen Ideas Festival, I interviewed Tim Wu, a professor at Columbia Law School and author of a new book called The Curse of Bigness. We [...]
The Maze Ransomware encryption process
A variant of the Maze Ransomware, otherwise known as the ChaCha Ransomware, has been spotted being distributed by the Fallout exploit kit. An [...]
用钱铺路!珠峰攀登46万起步 尼泊尔赚疯了
The Biggest Cybersecurity Crises of 2019 So Far | WIRED
Six months of 2019 are on the books already, and certainly there have been six months' worth of data breaches, supply chain manipulations, [...]
飞猪隐藏多程低价票 用户少看一眼被多收近3倍差价
'Mirror Worlds' Creator Wants to Displace Facebook—With Blockchain | WIRED
David Gelernter’s giant macaw, Ike, has taken a tumble. One moment he was there, offering agreeable squawks as Gelernter spoke, and then, in a flash of [...]
DEFCON China 1.0 第一天议题回顾 | 创造 分享 技术点亮明天
2019年05月31日,由DEF CON与百度安全联合主办的DEF CON China 1.0正式开幕,来自全球的安全极客汇聚一堂,共同迎接在中国扎根发芽的DEF CON China。
攻略失效倒计时!厦门地名要求6月整改 “洋名”“怪名”将不准用
The data breach notification
A class action complaint was filed by an ex-employee of Citrix for damages suffered following the security breach which allowed hackers to access [...]
关好的门为什么莫名打开了? | DEF CON China 1.0 Workshop揭晓谜底
A Drone, a $12,000 Lens, and the Magic of a Total Solar Eclipse | WIRED
Total solar eclipses are the Super Bowls of astronomy. Teams of scientists develop game plans for capturing data months or years in advance of each one—as [...]
6月1日起!带猪肉去韩国将被罚 一大批动物类加工品限制入境
The Colorful Science of Why Fireworks Look Bad on TV | WIRED
Maybe you figure that 60-inch 4K TV you just bought gives you a good excuse to never leave the house. All the entertainment you could ever need gets [...]
2个月后波音CEO终于道歉 但不代表波音……
波音CEO道歉。5月29日,那个2个月前在公开演讲中11次空谈“安全”、坚决不道歉的波音CEO米伦伯格(Dennis Muilenburg)终于低头。他在访谈中承认,该公司在处理存在隐患的737 MAX客机上存在“明显不足”,并以个人名义向遇难者家属道歉。
中电产业基金和网安基金投资10.09亿元成绿盟科技股东 | 雷锋网
5月31日消息,中电产业基金和网安基金正式成为绿盟科技股东。雷锋网(公众号:雷锋网) [...]
Internal infrastructure exposed
An unprotected server exposed for an unknown period security-related event logs and records of various hotel brands. The info originated from open-source [...]
How AI Helped Improve Crowd Counting in Hong Kong Protests – Slashdot
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The Pyramid Hotel Group data leak exposes 85GB of security logs of major hotel chains
vpnMentor experts have discovered that hotel brands managed by The Pyramid Hotel Group, including Marriott, have suffered a data leak,
Privacy-First Browsers Look To Take the Shine Off Google’s Chrome – Slashdot
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如何同时处理庞大、稀有、开放类别的视觉识别?伯克利 AI 研究院提出了开放长尾识别方法 | 雷锋网
雷锋网 AI 科技评论按: 在计算机视觉领域,图像分类其实是一个最基本的问题,然后一旦遇到极端长尾、开放式的数据集时,即便是最基本的图像识别任务,也难以很好地实现。伯克利 AI [...]
About WordPress 5.1.1 CSRF to RCE Vulnerability
Author: LoRexxar'@Knownsec 404 Team Chinese Version […]
本文来源:PingWest 品玩、36 氪,作者:张勇什么是领导力?在阿里巴巴集团 CEO 张勇看来,企业一号位的两大不可推卸的责任——商业设计和组织设计。
Image Recognition, Mini Apps, QR Codes: How China Uses Tech To Sort Its Waste – Slashdot
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Comparison to EternalBlue and WannaCry
Microsoft issued a second warning for users of older Windows releases to patch their systems to block potential attackers from abusing the critical Remote [...]

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