十二月 | 2019 | xxx2019年12月 – xxx


Beyond the mean, median, and mode – Unexpected Values
Unexpected ValuesA blog about math, philosophy, linguistics, politics, and more.[Thanks to Drake Thomas and Mike Winston for discussion.]
Bringing async/await to embedded Rust
At Ferrous Systems, we've worked on a wide range of software in Rust, from embedded systems, to highly concurrent asynchronous applications. While the [...]
FOSDEM 2020 – The Hidden Early History of Unix
The early history of Unix is much richer than is usually presented. There are many hidden gems that are little known and quite interesting to learn about. [...]
AMD 3990X Against $20k Enterprise CPUs – The 64 Core Threadripper 3990X CPU Review: In The Midst Of Chaos, AMD Seeks Opportunity
For those looking at a server replacement CPU, AMD’s big discussion point here is that in order to get 64 cores on Intel hardware is relatively hard. [...]
Turning A Problem Around: The Whitney Cotton Gin | Hackaday
If you went to elementary school in the United States, you no doubt learned about Eli Whitney’s cotton gin as an example of how the industrial [...]
Dan Houser Is Leaving Rockstar Games | WIRED
Julie Muncy The creative force behind Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption 2 will end his tenure at the company he cofounded in March. 
1月1日每日安全热点 – Microsoft 部分域名被用于网络攻击活动 – 安全客,安全资讯平台
恶意软件 Malware 新的USB 闪存恶意软件: Threats Decoded https://www. […]
刚刚结束的抖音直播创作者大会透露了哪些行业信号? | 雷锋网
近日,抖音直播创作者大会2019“收官之作”在海口举办,抖音直播相关负责人在大会上分享了过去一年直播行业发展趋势和抖音直播的相关政策和运营成果 。同时,抖音直播上的优质公会代表也分享其成功运营经验。
Hackaday Podcast 053: 1-Bit Computer Is A Family Affair, This Displays Is Actually Fabulous, And This Hoverboard Is A Drill Press | Hackaday
Hackaday editors Mike Szczys and Elliot Williams navigate the crowded streets of the hackersphere for the most interesting hardware projects seen in the [...]
MorphOS – News
The MorphOS development team is proud to announce the immediate availability of MorphOS 3.13. This new version offers more sophisticated text rendering [...]
>【安全帮】警惕非法支付!涉案540多亿的非法网络支付案告破 – 游侠安全网
微软起诉朝鲜黑客组织 Thallium 微软起诉了一个网络间谍组织 Thallium ,该组织与朝鲜关系密切。据 12 月 27 日收到的起诉书表明,该组织通过鱼叉式网络钓鱼攻击侵入其客户的账户和网络,以窃取敏感信息。微软表示, Thallium [...]
Automatic Component Tape Cutter For When Your Electronics Kit Hits The Big Time | Hackaday
Even for the simplest of products, production at scale can be big challenge. For example, you might find yourself spending many hours manually counting and [...]
作者|Sean Ye 来源|瞎说职场(ID:HRInsight)和大家分享一次我面试的经历。4年前,我们要招一位策划专员,运气好,很快遇上了心仪的候选人,我和招聘经理都非常喜欢。
New record for Antarctic continent reported | World Meteorological Organization
The Argentine research base, Esperanza, on the northern tip of the Antarctic peninsula, set a new record temperature of 18.3°C on 6 February, beating the [...]
This Week In Security: Google Photos, Whatsapp, And Doom On Deskphones | Hackaday
Google Photos is handy. You take pictures and videos on your cell phone, and they automatically upload to the cloud. If you’re anything like me, [...]
Dark web Grey Market still down, users speculate possible Exit Scam
According to one of the admins of the Grey Market marketplace one of the admins, ‘theiving‘, has stolen all the users’ funds the platform [...]
Dolphin Emulator – Dolphin Progress Report: December 2019 and January 2020
See all » Written by MayImilae , JMC47 on Jan. 3, 2020
Music Player Erected From Floppy Disks | Hackaday
Holding on to a cache of old floppies because nostalgia? Us too, and this might be the coolest possible use for ’em. While it’s fun to imagine [...]
SecWiki News 2019-12-31 Review
麒麟框架: Advanced Binary Emulation framework by ourren dom […]
Raspberry Pi Serves Up 24 Hour Simpsons Channel | Hackaday
Commercial-free video on demand was every couch potato’s dream for decades, and now we’ve got it. But nostalgia has a funny way of making some [...]
DHS report – Voting systems in North Carolina county in 2016 were not hacked
On Monday, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security shared the results of an investigation on computer errors that disrupted voting in a North Carolina [...]
Rollbot Crams Ten Arms Onto One Wheel | Hackaday
It’s not every day that we see someone trying something new with robot locomotion, but [kong]’s robot Rollyboi was made to do exactly that by [...]
Laser Etches Solar Absorbing Material | Hackaday
Having a laser cutter these days isn’t a big deal. But [Chunlei Guo], a professor at the University of Rochester, has a powerful femto-second pulse [...]
Watch Your Life Tick Away With This Lifetime Countdown Clock | Hackaday
Good news, everyone! Now you can have an ongoing existential crisis, every second of your ever-dwindling life with this personal life countdown timer.
Custom Laser Tag Rifle Packs A Sonic Punch | Hackaday
Laser tag is rarely (if ever) referred to as “The Sport of Kings”, but is a fun pastime nonetheless. While some are content to play with [...]
全球第7邮轮首航撞了!造价60亿下水不足两月 强风或是事故起因
2019年12月30日上午,地中海邮轮公司(MSC Cruises)运营的豪华邮轮地中海鸿图号(MSC Grandosa)在停靠意大利巴勒莫港时发生了一起小事故。
Tool Writes Your PWM Code For You | Hackaday
The good thing about computers is they do your work for you, right? If you are a programmer, that doesn’t always seem to be a true statement. [...]
What Is a Coronavirus? | WIRED
Sara Harrison The 2019 novel coronavirus is one of seven members of this family known to infect humans. But how deadly is it?
Nonprofit organization Special Olympics New York hacked and its server used to send phishing emails
Special Olympics New York provides inclusive opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities to compete in Olympic-style, coached sports. 
炒情怀?人人正式回归社交 账号密码找回成重要宣传点
Facebook's Bug Bounty Caught a Data-Stealing Spree | WIRED
Lily Hay Newman A few months ago, the company disclosed that apps were siphoning data from up to 9.5 million of its users. It only found out thanks to a [...]
三条高铁同步开通 张家口到北京仅需47分钟12月30日,北京至张家口高速铁路(京张高铁)、张家口至呼和浩特高速铁路(张呼高铁)张家口至乌兰察布段、张家口至大同高速铁路(张大高铁)将同步开通运营。12月28日晚,铁路部门已开始发售京张高铁、崇礼铁路、张呼高铁、张大高铁动车组列车车票。
'Birds of Prey': 5 Essential Comics | WIRED
Graeme McMillan Want to know more about Harley Quinn and her band of mischief makers? Start here. 
2020年网络安全薪酬调查是一项由The Hacker News发布的线上调查,旨在为网络安全从业者提供有关薪酬细节参考。
The 7 Best Drones (2020): DJI, Parrot, Syma | WIRED
Scott Gilbertson Whether you want to battle Star Wars spaceships or shoot a cinematic masterpiece, there's a drone that's perfect for everyone.
2019 年度八大 AI 安防话题人物丨年终盘点 | 雷锋网
Google, Amazon, and Apple Have a Trillion Dollar Problem | WIRED
Steven Levy Plus: Steve Jobs' too-modest vision for Apple, the real problem with bitcoin, and the anointing of Rush Limbaugh. 
在2010年之前(其实应该是从2011年算起,不过2010年更顺口),网络安全还是一个孤立的领域。直到自己所使用的东西无法运转之前,没有人真正关心这一行业。恶意软件或广告软件导致设备崩溃,用户因为设备无法使用而不得不由 IT 人员重新加载时感到懊恼,但这一切问题结束后,忧虑也随之消散。
Want to Fight Climate Change? Stop Believing These Myths | WIRED
Matt Simon In Mark Jaccard’s new book, The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success, he argues that the key is to stop obsessing about notions like peak oil.
腾讯云 2019:一席之地与一段距离 | 雷锋网
中国第二大、亚太地区第四大的云服务商腾讯云正逐渐露出峥嵘。2019 年 12 月 19 日,腾讯云行业方案总经理郑立鹏在微博上透露,腾讯云年度收入在 2019 年 Q3 突破 100 亿。这看起来是个不错的成绩——要知道,2018 年腾讯云全年的总营收为 97 亿。
作者|田志刚 来源|知识管理中心KMCenter(ID:KMCenter) /01/平庸时代的终结虽然2019年中国人均GDP的官方数据还没有出来,但应该是大概率会超过1万美元。人均GDP超1万美元是一个标志性的事件,按照世界银行的分类,进入的是“中等偏上收入国家”的行列。
Europe’s Solar Orbiter Begins Its Journey to the Sun | WIRED
Daniel Oberhaus ESA's orbiter will work with NASA’s Parker Solar Probe to unveil the mysteries of our home star and the origin of violent storms [...]
活动 | 相约本地生活安全沙龙暨白帽子颁奖典礼! – 安全客,安全资讯平台
报名链接:https://www.bagevent.com/event/6241320“烎”原义光明,形容一个人斗志昂扬、热血沸腾。  以“安全·烎领”为主题,为安全同行搭建交流平台,探讨互联网安全的技术发展与当下最新、最热的技术话题,为行业未来安全发展开拓思路,共同完善本地生活安全生态。
Gadget Lab Podcast: The Virus and the Vote | WIRED
WIRED Staff On this week's podcast, we discuss the coronavirus outbreak's impact on the economy, plus the scary state of mobile voting security [...]
>【安数网络】寻找特约邀请人,霸道总裁送新年福利! – 游侠安全网
'Locke & Key' Masters the Netflix Recipe—for Better or Worse | WIRED
Emma Grey Ellis The family-ready thriller is woolly and uneven, smart, and a little unbelievable. In other words, it’s straight out of the streaming [...]
资料 | 《 JavaScript 高级程序设计(第3版)中文-高清 》 | 雷锋网
今日资料推荐 《 JavaScript 高级程序设计(第3版)中文-高清  》 作为 JavaScript 技术经典名著,本书承继了之前版本全面深入、贴近实战的特点,在详细讲解了 JavaScript 语言的核心之后,条分缕析地为读者展示了现有规范及实现为开发web应用提供的各种支持和特性。

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