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Facebook Bans Deepfake Videos In the Lead Up To the 2020 US Election – Slashdot

十一月 30, 2019 - MorningStar

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Facebook Bans Deepfake Videos In the Lead Up To the 2020 US Election - Slashdot Facebook Bans Deepfake Videos In the Lead Up To the 2020 US Election - Slashdot Facebook Bans Deepfake Videos In the Lead Up To the 2020 US Election - Slashdot

Facebook Bans Deepfake Videos In the Lead Up To the 2020 US Election (unirobotica.com) 19

Posted by BeauHD from the misleading-manipulated-media dept.
Ammalgam shares a report from Unirobotica: Last year, Facebook announced measures to protect the 2020 U.S. election from foreign influence and misleading information last year. Now, in addition to those, [The Washington Post reports] the firm has announced that it is banning deepfakes — manipulated photos and videos — from its platforms, a move aimed to curb misinformation ahead of the U.S. presidential election later this year.

This move is similar to a move made by Twitter to ban deepfakes from it’s platform. This was announced in a blog post by Monika Bickert, their Vice President of Global Policy Management, stating that “misleading manipulated media” would be removed if it meets the following criteria: “It has been edited or synthesized — beyond adjustments for clarity or quality — in ways that aren’t apparent to an average person and would likely mislead someone into thinking that a subject of the video said words that they did not actually say. And: It is the product of artificial intelligence or machine learning that merges, replaces or superimposes content onto a video, making it appear to be authentic.” Facebook did reveal that “this policy does not extend to content that is parody or satire, or video that has been edited solely to omit or change the order of words.”

Facebook Bans Deepfake Videos In the Lead Up To the 2020 US Election

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  • Then FB goes on to claim they got Trump elected and likely the same thing will happen in 2020, so what’s the point?
    https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/07… [cnn.com]

    • They still approve of video that has been cut up and rearranged with no context

      They know they shouldn’t mess with a time-honored tradition.

  • “this policy does not extend to video that has been edited solely to omit or change the order of words.”

    Editing the pictures is bad because that confuses people as they’re too stupid to realize the truth – but editing what the speaker is SAYING is perfectly a-ok!

    • They’d have to ban most of the media, especially the countless late night shows.

    • “this policy has been edited solely to omit or change the order of words.”

      Editing the pictures to the truth does not extend to video. That is bad, because that confuses people, as what the speaker is SAYING is too stupid! But editing does not extend to perfectly a-ok video!

      FTFY. (Omitted three words.)

    • “this policy does not extend to video that has been edited solely to…change the order of words.”

      Good, safe are my Yodoshopped videos.

  • The policy itself seems reasonable to prevent confusion, but I have this feeling that a lot of conservative parody videos that are not truly Deep Fakes, will fall victim to this new policy….

    • Whats a deep fake? A political cartoon with a face from the media at 30 to 60 fps? Artwork using photography/a series of digital images at 30/60 fps? A created movie poster with placed in political art?
      The movie never had that political leader in it…. Fake.. and its gone with the account of the sinful creative person.
      The movie never existed … Fake…and its removed along every account of the sinful “international” people who shared the funny art link…
      An image from the media with a new politica

  • I’ve yet to see a confirmed Deepfake video that did not live smack in the middle of the creepy depths of the uncanny valley at best, while the rest are ‘clearly fake’ in the vein of playstation 2 graphics.

  • by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) writes: on Tuesday January 07, 2020 @06:01PM (#59597274) Homepage

    Most social media seems to be willing to let Politicians, including Trump, to say whatever they want without any punishment.

    They can spread lies, falsehoods, etc. with no consequences.

    So the question is not if they will ban Russia from using Deep Fakes, but whether if the President of the US posts a Deep fake, will they punish him in ANY way.

    • So the question is . . . whether if the President of the US posts a Deep fake, will they punish him in ANY way.

      Considering Moscow Mitch and Benedict Arnold Graham have already said, before a trial has even begun in the Senate, the con artist is free to abuse his office and commit other crimes, I don’t think FB will have any say about punishment. Because if they do you can be sure the whiny Republicans will immediately jump up and down claiming their conservative lies are being censored.

  • People these days refuse to fact check even the most basic of obviously manipulated bullshit. Banning deep fakes means nothing in a world where major media outlets decide who wins an election.

  • Just a really super naive question here maybe, but isn’t the point of a deep fake that it is REALLY hard to tell if what you are looking at is real or faked?
    If I post a video of a presidential candidate saying or doing something stupid, who gets to decide if that event really happened ? How do they know?
    I mean can you algorithmically filter for likely deep fakes?

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