The Botnet Cluster on the | xxxThe Botnet Cluster on the – xxx

The Botnet Cluster on the

九月 27, 2019 - 360netlab

In the past few years, we have seen quite a few botnets on the netblock, how many? Readers can take a look at the following tag cloud, which represents the keywords used in some of the samples using IPs within this netblock as loader IPs.

And the table below shows some of our attack statistics about this netblock in last 365 days.

Count of CC (host:port)Count of attack target hostCount of downloader IPCount of loader IP

In this blog, we will talk about a few interesting ones, including moobot, fbot, handymanny


Moobot is a new botnet family based on mirai. In recently it has made quite many releases, according to their C2 protocols and programming languages, we can roughly divide them into moobot.socks5, moobot.tor, moobot.tor.b, moobot.go, moobot.go.tor, moobot.c, etc.

Not every moobot variant uses this 185 netblock, but we do notice the moobot.c sample uses as the Downloader.

Here is a quick breakdown of the different Moobot variants.


First seen: 2019-07-15 10:10:47
MD5: 70f1df04d4384422ba746a92940c0138
Downloader: http://89.248[.174.198/main/x86
Downloader: http://93.174[.93.191:80/accn/kuojin.x86
Connect CC via socks5 proxy. Targeting for port TCP/34567(DVRIP) and TCP/9527.


First seen: 2019-07-17 07:41:00
MD5: eebca17df98350fa127fef978a5cccde
Downloader: http://185.100[.84.187:80/t/t.arm7
CC: nd3rwzslqhxibkl7.onion:1356
Connect CC via tor proxy. Targeting for port TCP/34567(DVRIP) and TCP/9527.


First seen: 2019-08-09 02:25:24
MD5: 79351b97ad07f77d336e38afcb213868
Downloader: http://91.92[.66.192/rt/mips
CC: dbkjbueuvmf5hh7z.onion:10444
CC protocol modified on mirai CC protocol.


First seen: 2019-08-16 09:41:19
MD5: c15fe4dc2f063b135d2bb83c35d75289
Downloader: http://91.92[.66.192/bins/x86
CC: port=18337
Moobot golang version.


First seen: 2019-08-20 07:38:05
MD5: 168d0af614dc8513579d8436c930db76
Downloader: http://89.248[.174.219/moo/x86
CC: sisuugde7gzpef2d.onion:14995
Moobot golang version.Connect CC via tor proxy.


First seen: 2019-08-21 02:23:48
MD5: 527572a2a28807766569c0870558e807
Downloader: http://185.244[.25.219/bins/armv7l
Moobot no proxy version. CC IP same as moobot.go CC ip,Downloader ip on netblock.

Moobot port scanning and exploit

Port scan

At present, the moobot uses the mirai scanning mechanism to scan the entire internet, the scan result is reported to the Loader, and then the loader implants sample to the victims.Based on our ScanMon, there are roughly 60K infected IPs in the last 7 days.

It is worth mentioning that the current moobot scans many ports, including DVRIP/ADB/HTTP/TELNET related ports, but a single Bot sample does not scan all ports at the same time, instead, multiple bots perform scan together and then piece the results together. We don’t exactly know the reason behind this behavior. The most recent moobot mainly scans the following ports:

Scanning source geographical distribution:

   7913 Brazil    5749 China    5305 Viet Nam    4514 Thailand    4510 Uruguay    3685 Italy    3070 Russian Federation    2440 Argentina    2410 Turkey    2073 Malaysia    2068 Republic of Korea    1783 India    1594 Germany    1554 United States    1433 Iran    1132 Mexico    1062 Spain     967 United Kingdom     946 Morocco     937 Greece     798 Indonesia     782 Venezuela     774 Pakistan     758 Romania     632 Japan     577 Chile     497 Poland     477 Qatar     472 South Africa     456 Israel     455 Dominican     417 Ukraine     415 Colombia     407 Egypt     376 Hungary     370 Tunisia     322 France     295 Kazakhstan     279 Saudi Arabia     273 Australia     271 Singapore     244 Bulgaria     232 United Arab Emirates     185 Canada     136 Jordan     120 Oman     114 Serbia     112 Portugal     101 Puerto Rico 


There is nothing new about HTTP, ADB, and TELNET being exploited by Moobot so there is no need to cover them here. But DVRIP( port 34567) is different. Early We discovered and published that Fbot was the first to exploit this vulnerability, but we did not elaborate on how the vulnerability was exploited at the time. Basically the moobot uses the DVRIP upgrade interface to upload an upgrade file, executes the shell command in the upgrade file to set the stage for the backdoor, and then implants malicious samples through the backdoor. The process is as follows:

Moobot related attack events

We observed that the moobot attacked many popular sites/critical services. Including DNS root servers, Twitter, Facebook, Pornhub, Wikimedia, Twitch, World of Warcraft classic server, Google, Baidu, Alibaba, Krebs on Security, etc. The SLDs corresponding to some moobot targets are shown below:

Moobot encryption

Moobot uses an encryption method similar to fbot code table replacement, string reverse order, no XOR, and the decryption code is as follows (related samples 0f8c6a64bac73e83eef94b3ec333c93a):

tab1_enc = ''' AA AB AC AD AE AF BA BB BC BD BE BF CA CB CC CD CE  CF DA DB DC DE DF EA EB EC ED EF FA FB FC FD FE FF  A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8  B9 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7  D8 D9 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 '''.replace(' ', '').replace('/n','').decode('hex')  tab2_enc = ''' 7A 37 75 4E 42 63 33 20 61 32 4C 54 23 76 4A 48 38  49 25 62 46 77 6B 68 2F 22 73 3B 55 24 65 53 3A 44  5A 43 6A 45 6D 59 78 57 70 74 7C 6F 3E 26 66 64 2D  35 47 39 71 52 4D 40 7E 34 51 30 79 58 6C 67 41 4B  50 36 69 31 56 72 4F 5C 29 5D 2E 28 5B 6E 7B 7D 2C '''.replace(' ', '').replace('/n','').decode('hex')  def decode(indata):     res = ''     for i in indata:         res += chr(ord(i)^0x00)     return res tab1 = decode(tab1_enc) tab2 = decode(tab2_enc) def getK(c):     for i in range(0, len(tab1)):         if c == tab1[i]:             return i     return -1  def decrypt(pointer):     res = ""     for v12 in pointer:         res += tab2[getK(v12)]     return res 

Decryption example:

slogan=''' B3 B3 A5 BB ED D2 BC ED BB DE B3 AF BB FC EA BF '''.replace(' ', '').replace('/n','').decode('hex') c2_addr=''' A5 B3 AF E9 E4 FC D5 D5 E2 F3 E9 D2 B1 E4 BC A9  B7 E1 BC D4 B3 B3 AF FC EA B1 B1 BC D2 BC B7 E4  FC D5 D5 E1 F3 D4 BC AF E1 A9 D2 B1 '''.replace(' ', '').replace('/n','').decode('hex')  print (decrypt(slogan)[::-1]) #The cow says moo print (decrypt(c2_addr)[::-1])  


Fbot and moobot.go.tor use the same Downloader, similar encryption method, and both use DNS TXT for C2 domain names. We think it is highly likely fbot and moobot are related organizations. Related fbot samples:

First seen: 2019-08-15 06:35:15
MD5: beab327053b17556e80338efdf0b2e19
Downloader: http://89.248[.174.219:80/bins/x86

Fbot encryption

The fbot’s encryption method is code table replacement, XOR encryption, and the decryption code is as follows:

tab1_enc = ''' 14 15 0A 1D 1F 08 0E 00 01 17 1A 03 0B 09 16  12 1E 10 0C 0D 18 1B 0F 11 1C 13 2D 3F 28 36  34 38 3C 3A 31 35 20 37 2C 3D 2E 2F 33 2B 21  30 3E 32 23 2A 3B 29 6E 61 60 69 6B 6C 6D 68 6F 6A 64 19 07 7D '''.replace(' ', '').replace('/n','').decode('hex')  tab2_enc = ''' 18 1B 1A 1D 1C 1F 1E 11 10 13 12 15 14 17 16  09 08 0B 0A 0D 0C 0F 0E 01 00 03 38 3B 3A 3D  3C 3F 3E 31 30 33 32 35 34 37 36 29 28 2B 2A  2D 2C 2F 2E 21 20 23 69 68 6B 6A 6D 6C 6F 6E 61 60 77 76 79 74 '''.replace(' ', '').replace('/n','').decode('hex')  def decode(indata):     res = ''     for i in indata:         res += chr(ord(i)^0x59)     return res tab1 = decode(tab1_enc) tab2 = decode(tab2_enc) def getK(c):     for i in range(0, len(tab1)):         if c == tab1[i]:             return i     return -1  def decrypt(pointer):     res = ""     for v12 in pointer:         res += tab2[getK(v12)]     return res  

Decryption example:

c2="wcbtbt=rthxmbwgrowdemrx=vz" print decrypt(c2) 

If you want to know more about fbot, you can read our previous blogs.[1][2]


Handymanny is another botnet we discovered, which is imilar to other botnets such as brickbot and Silex. It destroys the target device system and prevents the target device from working properly.

The bot sample is implanted by the Loader via telnet, and the Loader IP is, which means that the handymanny and segments are also related.

Related sample:

First seen: 2019-09-08 20:03:11
MD5: 1fcfcb14304c586f12dc410546a3a5b7
Downloader: http://185.112[.82.89:80/bins/arm.handymanny
Loader IP:

The function related to destroying the target system is shown in the following figure:

Contact us

Readers are always welcomed to reach us on Twitter, WeChat 360Netlab or email to netlab at 360 dot cn.



MD5: 40507d0675bee829311f1f67622dded9 70f1df04d4384422ba746a92940c0138 eebca17df98350fa127fef978a5cccde 79351b97ad07f77d336e38afcb213868 c15fe4dc2f063b135d2bb83c35d75289 168d0af614dc8513579d8436c930db76 527572a2a28807766569c0870558e807 0f8c6a64bac73e83eef94b3ec333c93a  CC: dbkjbueuvmf5hh7z.onion nd3rwzslqhxibkl7.onion sisuugde7gzpef2d.onion  URL: http://89.248[.174.198/main/x86 http://93.174[.93.191:80/accn/kuojin.x86 http://185.100[.84.187:80/t/t.arm7 http://91.92[.66.192/rt/mips http://91.92[.66.192/bins/x86 http://89.248[.174.219/moo/x86 http://185.244[.25.219/bins/armv7l 


MD5: beab327053b17556e80338efdf0b2e19  CC:  URL: http://89.248[.174.219:80/bins/x86 


MD5: 1fcfcb14304c586f12dc410546a3a5b7 453ac5c036c000827e291a5a58500f47 48032f646f6d14f946ab389a6b13000c 60f3cf7c5c0152d99cde53df7fb4e349 6a084828f8e33b3d6257667b938c5ae9 6e37aac9706d8f98172ff533ce6d660c 7309c3bb936c36bb53f065300f901cd4 7b7c455340a216e1e83b361080104980 7e472aae22796128f4c314e68a294d30 8c8bb10919266e6bd437de76e42e97dd a17465a1232e2b3e18bb7a0a1cf4333d a1f7f4fa878ab96f649f885a8769bb2b a460e1ce45003d63d5f864eae38622ba a8d02b5451c020f16f7a2b80a5491bb2 c4c608be28017a633d37607dae4975ab ceb810beae3be334e2e598c94f264c09 d1d9b19cd6f287801d7063f7cddd0d50 ddf54946d4ab87fd12d61b758cd0f0a1 e4d954a693a2191afd360bd9e201182a e8070d7e00c4b86dd2f929712d670c17  CC:  Loader IP:  URL: http://185.112[.82.89:80/bins/arm.handymanny 

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