Azure IaaS attack scenarios under scrutiny | xxxAzure IaaS attack scenarios under scrutiny – xxx

Azure IaaS attack scenarios under scrutiny

八月 5, 2019 - BleepingComputer

Azure IaaS attack scenarios under scrutiny

Microsoft launched today the Azure Security Lab, a sandbox-like environment designed to enable security professionals to test Azure security without actually endangering the company’s customers.

More to the point, the Azure Security Labs environment makes it possible for security researchers to more aggressively test for potential flaws in Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform.

A select group of individuals will be invited by Redmond to emulate the behavior of criminal hackers within this new customer-safe cloud-based security research environment.

Azure IaaS attack scenarios under scrutiny

“The Azure Security Lab is a set of dedicated cloud hosts for security researchers to test attacks against IaaS scenarios, which is isolated from Azure customers,” says Microsoft Security Community and Partner Engagement Manager Kymberlee Price.

“As well as offering a secure testing space, the lab program will enable participating researchers to engage directly with Microsoft Azure security experts.”

The program participants will be able to take part in quarterly campaigns focused on targeted attacks with a number of added incentives, with exclusive swag and research recognition also on the table.

Microsoft is committed to ensuring our cloud is secure from modern threats. We built Azure with security in mind from the beginning, and work to help customers secure their Azure cloud environment with products such as Azure Sentinel and Azure Security Center. And if a situation arises, our Cloud Defense Operation Center (CDOC) and security teams work around the clock to identify, analyze and respond to threats in real time. – Kymberlee Price

The isolation capabilities built within Microsoft’s Azure Security Lab makes it possible for researchers not only to detect and investigate Azure vulnerabilities but also to try and exploit them to see the actual results of an attack designed to abuse them.

Researchers which will be invited to the Azure Security Lab “may attempt the scenario-based challenges with top awards of $300,000,” adds Price. “For more details on the new and increased awards please see the Azure Bounty Program page.”

Moreover, Microsoft is also doubling the top reward for Azure security flaws to $40,000 to make sure that researchers have enough of an incentive to focus on Azure vulnerabilities.

“In appreciation of their efforts and the opportunity to mitigate issues before they are publicly known and used for harm, we’ve issued $4.4 million dollars in bounty rewards over the past 12 months,” adds Price.

Improved overall researcher reputation system

Redmond has also made several changes to its security researcher reputation system, improving the transparency of the recognition model, adding reputation points, and establishing a tier-based system of rewards.

“Reputation points are new and form the foundation for an incentive program that applies to research across all products and services. Top researchers receive many benefits, including public recognition, swag, and invitations to special events,” Microsoft told BleepingComputer.

Azure IaaS attack scenarios under scrutiny
Report points and reputation scores

Researchers will gain points whenever their reports are determined to address valid security issues that meet the bar for servicing, instead of after a fix is released by Microsoft.

Also, “qualification for the program and recognition has changed. The top tier now includes anyone who meets a certain threshold,” while “bonus points are added for high priority research areas,” Microsoft also told BleepingComputer.

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