Includes a contact phone number | xxxIncludes a contact phone number – xxx

Includes a contact phone number

七月 19, 2019 - BleepingComputer

Includes a contact phone number

A new extortion scam is underway that pretends to be from a US State Police detective who is willing to delete child porn evidence if you send them $2,000 in bitcoins. Pretending to be from a state police detective is a new twist, but what really stands out is that they also include a contact phone number that can be used to call the scammer.

We all know, or should know, about the sextortion emails people are receiving where the sender states they have hacked the recipient’s computer and taped them doing things while on adult sites. Since then, we have seen further extortion scams that pretend to be the CIAbomb threats, threats to ruin a website’s reputation, and even from hitmen asking you to pay them to call off a hit.

In this new campaign, exortionists are pretending to be state police detectives for different states in the U.S.A. where they state that the email recipient has been involved in child pornography. As they retiring, they are offering to delete the evidence if the recipient sends them $2,000 in bitcoin.

Users have reported receiving these emails ‘fromt states’ such as California, Georgia, Florida, Minnesota, New York, and Tennessee.  Below is an example of this scam pretending to be from the Tennessee State Police that was shared with BleepingComputer by Reddit user Talory09.

Do not ignore this important warning!  I work in Tennessee State Police. Bureau of Criminal Investigation, detective branch Crime Prevention with child abuse. The Tennessee State Police Mission is to serve, protect, and defend the people while preserving the rights and dignity of all. A priority in our mission is to prevent crime and enforce the law. The Tennessee State Police had a responsibility to protect people and property, to prevent and detect crime and other violations of law, pursue criminal investigations, and arrest criminals.  You Uploaded video child-porno to websites with IP address, Chattanooga, and share to Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.  This file sharing among child pornography users. These networks permit closed groups to trade images. May be Your device has suspicious programs. Viruses that do illegal activity. But this device is yours, IP address registered as yours and its not possible to prove that you didnt this.  Why I write? I retire in next month and want to earn some money for self.  My next steps.  I sending the materials to The Tennessee Crime Laboratory. You receive invites to our office in Chattanooga. You Pay money Criminal Defense Lawyers or Law Firm. Federal laws addressing child pornography are: 18 U.S.C. 2251 Sexual exploitation of children. (Any individual who violates, or attempts or conspires to violate, this section shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 15 years nor more than 30 years.) Or maybe you want to give me money and these materials be lost. I want to earn some money for self. And give you freedom.  Pay me to Bitcoin wallet. This is anonymous money I want 2000$.  Send transfer to my wallet. 17isAHrP2cZSY8vpJrTs8g4MHc1FDXvAMu  My temporary phone to contact +14318006744.  After receiving payments, I delete All materials.   If You don't pay me, I sending materials to The Tennessee Crime Laboratory. 

All of these emails are exactly the same other than the state that they pretend to be from. They also all include the same bitcoin address of 17isAHrP2cZSY8vpJrTs8g4MHc1FDXvAMu, which has not received any payments as of yet.

Includes a contact phone number

As a general rule if you receive an email trying to extort you for money, it is a scam and should just be junked and ignored. 

Includes a contact phone number

What makes this extortion scam so unusual is that it also includes a phone number that can be used to contact the scammer. 

The included number of +14318006744 is the same in all of the emails associated with this particular extortion campaign that have been shared with BleepingComputer.

When BleepingComputer called the number, we were greeted by a female voice stating that they were not available, to leave a message, and that they would call you back when they are open. You can listen to the greeting below.

Recipients live in states attacker impersonates

Three of recipients of this scam have told BleepingComputer that the state mentioned in the email matches their state of residence.

The attackers are probably using a data breach dump that contains both email addresses and home addresses so that they can match up the right state in the email.

This is just another tactic to make the emails more convincing.

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