MesaLink | xxxMesaLink – xxx


二月 28, 2019 - MorningStar




A memory-safe and OpenSSL-compatible TLS library

MesaLink and its dependencies are written in Rust, a programming language that guarantees memory safety.

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Distributed under BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE for details

Memory Safety

MesaLink is impervious to bugs like Heartbleed and buffer overflows becuse it is written in the memory-safe language of Rust.

Cross Platform

Linux, macOS, Android, x86, amd64, armv7, aarch64… you name it. MesaLink probably compiles for it.

Modern Ciphersuites

MesaLink uses the best ciphersuites including AES-GCM, Chacha20Poly1305, and elliptic-curve key exchange with perfect forward secrecy.

TLS 1.3

Eight years since TLS 1.2, the faster and more secure TLS standard, is now in Rustls and MesaLink.

Blazing Fast

X25519 key exchange, AES-NI support, no language runtime like Java/Go. MesaLink runs at full speed on your metal.

Flexible Configuration

MesaLink offers flexible configurations tailored to your needs. You can customize which ciphers and TLS versions are built-in.

Transparent Replacement

MesaLink provides OpenSSL-compatible C APIs. Want to use MesaLink in curl or Android? No problem.

Production Ready

Baidu uses MesaLink in production with 10M monthly active users as of 12/2018.

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