Why Is Cloud-Based Browser Testing Good For Testing A Web App? – DZone Cloud | xxxWhy Is Cloud-Based Browser Testing Good For Testing A Web App? – DZone Cloud – xxx

Why Is Cloud-Based Browser Testing Good For Testing A Web App? – DZone Cloud

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Why Is Cloud-Based Browser Testing Good For Testing A Web App? - DZone Cloud



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Why Is Cloud-Based Browser Testing Good For Testing A Web App?

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Why Is Cloud-Based Browser Testing Good For Testing A Web App?

Discover the top ten reasons that cloud-based browser testing is a great option for testing your web applications.

Feb. 19, 19 · Cloud Zone ·

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In cloud-based environments, testing has grown into Testing-as-a-Service (TaaS) because of the many benefits it offers. There are a number of tests performed on the cloud, such as cloud-based browser testing, functional testing, non-functional testing, and ability testing for applications and mobile applications.

But many do not understand why cloud-based browser testing is good for testing web applications. Well, this article solves the dilemma.

Any web app has to run within various browsers and therefore needs to be tested on as many browsers as possible. The importance of cloud-based browser testing and its benefits outweigh the challenges that the cloud has. Additionally, many cloud-based browser testing tools are available, like LambdaTest, which helps you perform your testing on the cloud. But why we should use them?

Let’s find out.

Top 10 Benefits Offered by Cloud-Based Testing

1. Scalability

It is easier to scale the browsers and infrastructures to test the web apps up and down. This is easier said than done in an on-premises environment. The ability to bring in the required infrastructure and browsers for testing is done easily in the cloud. In cloud-based browsers testing, even the different kind of users and multitenancy can be tested for across web applications, whereas this is not possible in on-premises testing.

In simple words, cloud-based testing will allow the computing resources to increase or decrease whenever required. It can be used as a comprehensive test management tool. Furthermore, there is no need to install, configure, or maintain; testers need only login to add and remove licenses.

2. Browsers Versions and Different Browsers

It is just not different browsers like Safari, FireFox, Opera, and Chrome available, but each browser comes with different versions. There is an increasing need to test the web apps’ functionality in each browser and their various versions.

Cloud-based browser testing services will provide testing in the different versions of browsers. This will confirm that the web apps need to be browser and version neutral. Also, it ensures that all web apps run in any kind of version or browser from the browser’s OEM. There are various tools which provides you a wide browser grid of over 2,000 browsers.

3. Easy Integration with The Various Infrastructures

Each time new code is added it must be tested and then redeployed. In cloud-based browser testing, it is easy to integrate the browsers, web apps with various infrastructures, and platforms. Multiple tests get executed, pass, and the app moves to production.

This will ensure that the web apps do not fail in a production environment, and if it fails, it is a safe and secure failover.

4. Cost Cutting

In the cloud, the testing is performed on a pay-per-use model. It saves money and also ensures that there are no overheads for the release of the web apps. Cost depends on the scaling up or scaling down of the infrastructures and platforms. There is no heavy fee levied for upgrades or licensing.

5. Cloud Is Accessible Around the Clock

The prevalence of remote teams has increaseed recently. Teams are present across the globe and work around the clock. Logging into the cloud can happen from any part of the world and at any time. Furthermore, the team can access any test environment using the cloud and so browser testing can happen anytime during the day.

This ensures faster time to market for web applications. The best part about using cloud-based testing tool is that you can access your projects anywhere, anytimem and can update the central repository to track and share data.

6. Configurable Test Environment

Testing on multiple browsers will take time to make arrangements. An error that occurs in one environment will also repeat in other devices due to the configuration. However, cloud-based browser testing can be pre-configured to various important parameters. The testing of various configurations ensures that the web apps and integration with the various browsers are robust and have a safe and secure failover.

7. Thorough Testing

Cloud-based browser testing ensures that tests are thorough with respect to versions, types of testing, various infrastructures, platforms, and browsers. This will consume a huge cost if you have to conduct this level of quality testing with on-premises tests.

There are various types of browser testing such as functional testing, system testing, acceptance testing and integration testing. Non functional testing includes business requirement testing, security testing, scalability and performance testing. Ability testing includes testing such as browser compatibility testing and interoperability testing, disaster recovery testing and multitenancy testing. All these tests can be easily performed on the browsers for the web apps in the cloud environment.

8. Better Collaboration Between Teams that Enable DevOps Implementation

The cloud-based testing encourages better collaboration between teams such as production, development, and testing. This enables DevOps processes to be followed between development and testing teams concurrently. There is testing that can happen in the cloud environment with the help of communication tools around the clock and in different time zones. These tools let users share comments and generate reports.

9. Faster Testing

The testing happens continuously, allowing applications to run simultaneously on multiple systems. Also, provisioning is easier and faster. There is no need to configure the server and no licensing process which will consume time. All these qualities of cloud-based testing reduce the entire testing time.

10. Easy Proof of Concept (PoC) Demonstrated to The Customer and Development Teams

When there are large-scale and medium-scale projects being tested, it is necessary that the stakeholders are all included in both the production and development teams’ work and are aware of the pitfalls. This is achieved by showing the PoC to the customers and other teams. Cloud-based browser testing can quickly provide this and allows the entire team to understand its capabilities.

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