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Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

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Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics?
162 points by kjullien 3 hours ago | hide | past | web | favorite | 118 comments
Hello HN,

I'm a junior dev and have been employed at my current work place for over a year. I love technology and code, less so humans. A lot less. If I had to guess I would say that I probably have some form of social anxiety/autism that makes it really painful/difficult/demanding for me to interact with other people, so I usually try to keep these "interactions" to a very strict minimum required to achieve the tasks I am attributed.

Now, recently, I've come to realize more and more, how much trouble this actually causes in the end for me, as I am perceived as that "odd" guy, that never says a thing, never hangs out at work place events, that you simply give tasks to, and ultimately the job gets done.

As I was searching to limit human-human interactions as much as I could, I ended up being treated like a machine, go figure… I get attributed tasks almost exclusively by sales/marketing people with absolutely no understanding of anything appart from the end result they want. Sometimes that ends up being a 2 word "spec", an unachievable task, some month long back and forths where they realize every other step of the way that what I implemented, which was what they asked, was not what they wanted, etc. So I am starting to get a little fed up by all of this and am at quite a loss when it comes to actually addressing these issues. I try, but I figure that I might as well document myself on the process instead of the usual trial and error one could go through.

Anyhow, as stated in the title of this Ask HN, does anybody have any ressources to recommend to someone that just started his carrier and has a demonstrated history of complete lack of such skills ? Anything is welcome really, books, documentaries, blog post, whatever you might have come across.


Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Disclaimer: This is my own personal advice. It is different from what has been commented so far, but hope it might offer a different perspective or angle.

Don't believe your labels, even one's you give yourself. Why do you think you are introverted? Is it because you took some Carl Jungean-esque test like the Myers Briggs and it said you were? Is it because your parents and teachers always said you were "shy"? Is it because you have anxiety disorder or depression? You mentioned this last one might be it but aren't sure — if you have a hunch, go talk to minimally a therapist to find out.

Toss all that shit out the window. You aren't your labels. You are exactly who you want to be.

If you don't want to be introverted anymore, don't be. As some one who was the "shy" kid and introverted from basically age 4 to 19, mainly staying inside and playing video games, it would probably shock most people to tell them that I consistantly score "INTP" — who cares. Take a pragmatic approach to it. If even the thought of being conversive, over communicating, and going to events exhausts you, that's not introversion that's probably some disorder — you mentioned social anxiety, for me it was depression depression — we are human and we were meant to communicate, be social, and relate to others. I am not saying that to say "so you are wrong" I am saying that so you understand. If there's something deep down there that is the root of that, address it. For me, going to therapy helped. For others — the root of the social anxiety is a troubled pass: an abusive relationship, a missing father or mother, or a relationship that desperately needs mending. We put up our walls and think these things aren't affecting us, but they do. A lot of people think therapy is for people who have things "wrong" with them. I think therapy could help every single person on this earth, no shame in it at all.

The last advice — treat it like a challenge. Have fun with it. Hack at it. Try different things. Read. A lot. Listen to your body. Best of luck on your quest!

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Co-signing this advice. I was basically in the same shoes as the OP, being the quiet office weirdo for my first few years, usually getting very tense in meetings and so on. These days I'm effortlessly starting discussions, speaking my mind openly in meetings, etc, and have never had it better professionally or socially, at work or otherwise. I won't try to distill my personal transformation into a step-by-step recipe for others to repeat, but at least know that with persistent effort, change is possible.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I'm surprised no one has made this distinction, but you're really talking about three kinds of communication:

1. Functional communication about the job you're doing

2. Social conversations

3. Office politics

There is overlap: #2 will help grease the wheels for #1 and #3, while #1 becomes #3 when a situation is dysfunctional/you rise in the corporate hierarchy.

Despite the overlap, these are fundamentally different things, and perhaps it will help your anxiety to realize that you don't have to be a social butterfly to do well in an office.

Myself, I've gotten a lot better at small talk (a few years doing deliveries to construction companies as a city-boy with a grad school education will force you to get out of your comfort zone), and I can crack a joke, but I'm still not the life of a party, and I come across as a little weird. Still, I can communicate with people at work.

Be honest, be yourself but do try to get past the hangups you feel, and try to understand what other people care about, how you can help them, and put them at ease. You can be on the quiet side and still do those things.

Beyond that, I'd add that you should find some people who write or speak about workplace behavior. Maybe even read something alien: something from someone in marketing, sales or a "people" job, and treat it like a matter you can study and practice, just like anything else you'd do.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point, but there is nothing dysfunctional about office politics. Politics is how you get something done with a large group of people who have different individual goals, that's it. It's a necessity for achieving something greater than any of those people could achieve on their own.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

It's a terminological difference, and I totally get your point of view. I also agree that some amount of politics is the cost of doing business (but per my point about rising in the corporate hierarchy, it shouldn't be something that impinges on the average employee's success).

Negotiation between people who have a shared idea of what goals are, but different ideas of how to get there is a good thing, and I can see how it makes sense to call it politics. Actively cultivating influence by undermining other people, shifting blame and only focusing on your own advancement is bad, and what I was referring to.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I've responded to this sort if inquiry before, so forgive the copy-pasta:

>> You sound like you have anxiety problems. What have you done to address your anti-social tendencies? Are you going to a therapist? Do you expect a fairy to fly into your house and magic them away? What job do you think exists where you don't need these skills?

>> Having a therapist does not mean you are crazy, and you don't NEED to be crazy to have one. It means you have having a neutral person who helps you track and set goals, track your moods, and help you process work relationships and events. Michael Jordan has a coach, brain workers have therapists. ( )

One thing I want to make clear is that this is not going to go away without actual effort and planning on your part.

I would recommend going to a therapist and having them help you process your social interactions and set goals for improving yourself. Which, overall, is what a therapist does. Way more than the cliche "Now let's talk about your father…"

A lot of good information in here, as well. Read some books, it's good for you! It makes you smarter! People have taken time to write them for the last thousand years for a reason!

You can spare the time away from social media to read a book, I promise. And the sense of achievement you get from finishing a book feels great.

– "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a must-read.

– "Getting to Yes" is another excellent book about workplace conflict resolution.

– There are a ton of books about emotional intelligence. Find one that sounds interesting to you and read it.

I'll also recommend "Deep Work" and "Smarter, Faster, Better" for more general workplace productivity management, but feel free to sleep on those if you feel like it.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

> "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a must-read

I'm sorry – this advice, and most of your comment, is bad advice.

I struggled with social anxiety for 10 or 15 years before I "cured" myself, and advice like this is what buried me. Reading books and going to a therapist can supplement your efforts, but if that's your main approach you're going to waste years – and when you talk, you're going to sound like a robot attempting to be human.

Which, believe me, is much worse than your (OP) presumably current state of looking like an awkward mute.

HTWFAIP is like the "cold showers" of social anxiety advice. I'm confident most people who recommend this book (which is literally everyone) haven't actually read it. It's popular advice because it's popular advice, not because it's actually useful.

Dale Carnegie's books were meant for everyday corporate workers to advance their workplace and sales communication skills – not for socially awkward developers who lack base social cues. Not only that, it was in a time with completely different social nuances – unless you really want to be an idiot carrying around a notebook of everyone's birthdays and asking questions 80% of the time your mouth opens.

Social anxiety isn't cured by reading books on emotional intelligence and deep diving into the way you say things. Most self-professed "introverts", particularly developers, spent most of their lives playing video games and sitting indoors. They're not well-rounded people in the least.

When you start slowly morphing your life to be more well rounded – taking part in group activities, getting hobbies, physical activity, etc. the social stuff takes care of itself. Your goal shouldn't be to excel at small talk – your goal should be to get to the point where your life is so cool you don't give a crap how you interact socially.

Burying your head in books and overanalyzing your social interactions isn't going to solve your social anxiety. Go play soccer.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Maybe you could write more than three words about your experience and what positive suggestions you have for OP (ie. not "here's what bad advice" and instead "here is some good advice")

Was soccer really the thing that helped you?

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Can't upvote this enough. Treating your social aversion like an immutable feature is ridiculous.

If we had a dev who's bad at coding but good at other tasks, what would we do, say that they're just innately untalented or that they need practice?

The fact of the matter is that devs are allowed to be complacent about social behavior through most of the social groups we run in and through our work. We're seen as antisocial because it's a muscle we don't flex.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

1. Find a therapist who specializes in adult autism and cbt. 2. One thing that will help is to develop your small talk. Look people in the eye, ask how they are and the default option, “any and for the weekend?” If it’s wednesday or later. If it’s monday or tuesday and the first time you interact, ask how was your weekend? Be prepared to give answers yourself that are more then 1 word and allow some basic questioning and responses. That’s all you need to do to get started. You can literally script it out to start and over time it will get easier. The trick about being an effective communicator is actually to just actively listen.

There are some self help books on CBT too that will help. Find some written by academics from reputable schools.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Definitely read How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

However, just reading a book on this subject is not enough. You will actually have to apply the principles in your everyday life. Dealing with people is kind of like an art. And just like any art (like painting) you can only get better with deliberate practice. Doing this might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but it's how we grow as people. Where I work, employees are offered tuition reimbursement for taking their official courses ( The Carnegie courses helped me take the knowledge from these books and put it into practice. It was incredibly helpful for me, and aided in overcoming some of my social anxiety.

Another user also recommended toastmasters, which is probably an equal alternative if you can't get your company to pay for the courses.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

IMO, the book is over-hyped and not that helpful.

It's incredibly easy to spot people who utilize concepts in that book and are not being genuine in their interaction. 'Masks' are a great way to prevent authentic connection.

I've found better utility in a combination of books about positive psychology, emotions in relationships, and analytical psychology.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

It definitely is over-hyped, but it really gives you the knowledge of what type of tools and communication styles and techniques that other people in your organization are drawing upon since it contains all the pseudo-intellectual bullshit that HBR and other Harvard MBA (or Harvard MBA wannabes) you will probably encounter use and look for.

At the very least, the utility of the book is that it teaches you how to play the game.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

> It's incredibly easy to spot people who utilize concepts in that book and are not being genuine in their interaction. 'Masks' are a great way to prevent authentic connection.

Then they're not taking to heart the book's principles. An common theme behind a lot of his advice is based in being honest, sincere, and genuine. If they're not being any of those things then they're not doing it right.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

> It's incredibly easy to spot people who utilize concepts in that book

How do you know?

To clarify, you don't know how many people you interacted with that utilized those concepts but you haven't noticed at all.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Body language and intuition.

You're right, there may be times I don't notice. I have no data to prove that.

IME, being in the moment and my body instead of in my head made it apparent that we aren't as clever as we think we are in social situations.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I've often tried to find better methods of communicating with people, but I'm still struggling with one major problem:

What do you do when someone literally does not react to anything you say in any way whatsoever? I could tell them "Yeah, X sounds like a great idea!" or "Please don't do that, I think X would be very harmful to the project", and their reaction would be the same "OK thanks, guess I'll go do X now".

Then if doing X results in failure and they learn nothing from the experience.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I wonder if there's a way to ask the right questions so they can come to the conclusion that X is a bad idea, on their own and before doing it. For example, asking about the merits of X, then acknowledging them and asking about possible downsides. If they don't mention the downside you had in mind, ask about other potential downsides. You'll also learn more about their decision-making process, how deeply they've thought through it, what weights they ascribe to the various pros/cons, etc.

Related to the concept of Strategic Questioning (

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Is that really what is happening though?

They don't react to my statement at all – I don't think they disregard it, I think they don't listen to it in the first place.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

You have two choices, either of which may be right in the circumstance:

1. You can talk to them directly, and say "I feel like we're not on the same page when we talk about X,Y,Z [what can we do to come to an agreement]/[why do you keep doing that?]" (the bracketed parts depend on who has what authority).

2. You bring it up with your manager.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

What you are describing is difficulty with 'facilitating a decision' aka selling. I had to find a mentor to effectively learn that ability.

I'm more than happy to refer you to him. Just pm me

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Ask someone to repeat back what you said so you know they actually understood what you were saying.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

My opinion is that this will come across as domineering/micromanaging, even if you really do need to verify that someone understands things the same way you do.

There are ways to achieve the same effect without an equally bad appearance:

+ You can break the work into smaller chunks, to create more checkpoints

+ You can have a plan that is very specific about what is to be done that everyone agrees to in a written form (if you have a meeting, someone should take notes and have them circulated after the fact)

+ Most lightweight, you can not present the plan in one chunk, but talk it through, taking ample opportunity to reiterate and solicit agreement (if you do this right, the other person will repeat what you said, without you ever telling them to–everyone is happy)

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Can you give specific recommendations?

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Yes! Thank you for asking 🙂

Starter Pack: Positive Psychology – Know your virtues – – Know your strengths –

Relationships –…

I recommend starting with these before diving into analytical psychology (they're more actionable than theoretical)

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I definitely second this, even if it sounds like a cliche. It's how the sociable people's world works. It helps to get insight into their world.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Another vote for this

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Careful about it through. People who use those trics too apparently easily make impression of untrustworthy manipulator.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Two books that really helped me were Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg) and Radical Acceptance (Tara Brach). The specific techniques outlined in the books were helpful, but I benefited more from the mentality that you can communicate the same message in multiple tones and receive different results. Some of my colleagues have also done improv comedy courses and experienced the same outcomes.

I also received some pretty sound advice around three years into my career: "just assume that people mean nothing more or less than the literal words they said to you. Don't read more into it than they actually say." I found that if I felt awkward about a situation, I was trying to read in between lines to find some reason that a person secretly hated me or were annoyed by me. They had never actually said or done anything to indicate that they even thought twice about me once I walked away, but I made up all sorts of stories about them in my head.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Strictly taking everything people say at face value is great way to become somebody who "can't take a hint." The problem is that there are many things people want to communicate but would rather not say because they're likely to lead to uncomfortable situations.

Suppose a coworker offers you mints or gum every time you speak to them. If you only take their words literally, you'll think, "Gee, what a generous person," and miss entirely their true meaning: "Your breath stinks and it's bothering me but I don't want to hurt your feelings, so I'm giving you out where we can both pretend you fixed the problem before anyone noticed."

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I highly recommend improv courses. The primary thing it helped me with was talking without having fear of saying the wrong thing or having people judge me, but it also taught me the importance of _how_ you say things. Even if someone didn't do the courses I would still recommend they read Impro by Keith Johnstone.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

> just assume that people mean nothing more or less than the literal words they said to you. Don't read more into it than they actually say.

One of the most brilliant professors I have met fiercely preached this belief, and I can see how it can help some interpersonal relationships. But he took it to an extreme. When somebody asked him whether he thought Trump was racist, he responded "well, has Trump said that he is a racist?". The idea is that whether a person lies or not is immaterial; you should take the persons words as the ultimate truth. He is the most well published professor in the entire university, and an internationally respected mathematician.

I tend to read everything "between the lines," and I think about my professor's words often, because I wonder whether this habit is affecting my relationships.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Best Video Blog on how to live a good live, and I think is your real question, is Philosphers Notes from Brian Johnson:

And the simple and best Book to Live with your special Guys in the Company is "Assertivenes at Work" from Kate Back:…

At the End I take a buddhism trail and got rid of this Feelings blowing my emotions to this bad shapes you discribes. Begin with simple Meditation by Youtube lessons.

Live long and prosper Oerb

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I wish you luck but here are some things to keep in mind that you can do if you find yourself not into the therapist/self help stuff for whatever reason.

You can get better at knowing what they need vs what they ask for and push back in the form of raising concerns. Realize this is brainstorming and email/slack suck at this. Get in a room and draw what you’re going to build. Tell them why ask x won’t be useful/won’t work. Lastly, encourage a project manager type person to get involved even if informally. Your boss might be a good person for this if you have no one else. They can do the back and forth and some of what I said previously if you can’t. Also have some sort of project committee so only approved projects get your attention. Lastly, charge your cost to their budget. They won’t waste your time for long when it cost them a bonus assuming your company is setup that way. Get the finance guys involved. If there’s a culture of wasting time/resources they can help come up with a plan and they may own many of these ideas.

A lot of this assumes you’re at a bigger corporate company so YMMV.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Personally how I got over my social anxiety and awkwardness was by powering through. Realizing the things I thought I handled horrible didn't even blimp on peoples radar during or social interaction. Just being me was more then enough, and to stop trying to be the person people liked (not in a popular way, but in a don't want to make people uncomfortable long story). I would suggest you find one person and go out of your way every day to make small talk even if it is just seeing how there day is going. Once you get comfortable with that you be surprise how easy it is to approach others, and expand your social circle.

Also a side note even the most social person can be really antisocial. At one contract I had we had one guy lets call Joe that was the social butterfly would setup after work gatherings for the team and everyone seem to like. One day at lunch one of our co-workers was going through some bad stuff with his family, and Joe was pressing a joke on him that was getting him so upset that I had to hold back the co-worker from beating Joe. After lunch when I got Joe by himself I try to explain the situation, and why the joke wasn't consider funny and such in case it was just going over his head and he didn't realize what he was doing. Come to find out Joe understood, and did it on purposes. Joe actually disliked everyone on the team, and his way of blowing off steam was basically picking really random fights. You wouldn't think it from looking on the outside, but after learning that I start realizing all sorts of things.

Be polite, be considerate, don't take anything personal, don't over think it, and be yourself. I know easier said then done, but you got to go at it if you want change.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

"Personally how I got over my social anxiety and awkwardness was by powering through."

I think these are areas that definitely get a lot easier with age.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I absolutely sympathise and struggled with this myself to some extent. One thing that has worked for me is one-by-one adopting particular tactics that I see socially successful people using. And I mean I consciously note and incorporate them individually into my interactions. Eventually they get almost automatic. That may sound crazy and that it would look contrived. But I have never been called on it, no one has ever accused me of imitating another, and as far as I can tell it has been strictly beneficial. Of course, the tactics that work for me might not be the ones that would fit for you. So shop around! Watch other people and try some on.

Just for some examples of what I've adopted:

(1) When you first enter into a conversation, whether with a single person, or a group at a meeting, come in with a big smile. And actually, the worse the situation, the bigger the smile should be. I got that from my boss's boss. Likely does no apply at funerals.

(2) When listening to someone explain something, when they pause, repeat the last few words they said and nod. Like if they say, "We can't add more labor to the Jennings account, because that would pull from the Labowski project and THAT just can't happen!". You (nodding understandingly): "can't happen."

(3) When talking to non-technical people, never say the word "no". Get the idea across, and be just as clear as needed that something is not possible, but do not actually use that ego bruising two-letter word. This grates like hell against my technical mind that prefers clarity and actual reality. But I've found "no" sets business people off like startled chickens.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

#3 I would go further: any time your instinct is to say no, ask yourself two questions:

“Is this really impossible, or am I prejudging the acceptability to the questioner of the cost/effort needed?” and

“Is it likely that the questioner has prejudged a solution to their actual problem, and how can I get them to step back to the real problem, which may have a more-viable solution than the one they seem to be asking about?” (A lot of time, if you are familiar with the business domain, you can see the likely underlying problem yourself and just get them to confirm it, but otherwise you can try to walk them back to it.)

“Yes, it is possible, but it will take X, Y, and Z,” from which the client can decide it is not worth it is usually more honest, as well as more socially acceptable, than “no”.

And, “That would be difficult—but if you want to acheive X, A would provide the same benefit and be much easier to implement.” Can be better than both “no” and explaining the difficulty in th suggested course without exploring alternatives.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Never say 'no', is one of the staple rules of doing improv.…

I've noticed that conversations tend to go in interesting directions when you try to make it a habit of not fighting the premises that conversation partners lay out.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

But I've found "no" sets business people off like startled chickens.

Maybe because they have a more holistic view of the purpose that you’re all there for.

As a developer, your job isn’t to say yes or no. It’s to understand the problem and solve it. If no solution is available within the constraints laid out, your job is not to deliver the bad news like a robot. It’s to understand the priority of the constraints and figure out which one(s) to break so you can solve the problem.

Not picking on you, but many developers lose sight of the purpose of what they do. No business wants or needs any code or developers to write and maintain it. It’s a means to an end, and a flat “no” betrays an inversion of priorities in the developer’s mind.

I write all this as a self-employee developer by the way. It’s one reason I make a lot more than my peers who could code circles around me.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Whenever you want to say, "no", just substitute "it will cost more to do it that way, because….<endless technobabble>"

You will get interrupted somewhere in your explanation. When asked for a less costly alternative, pitch anything you would be interested in doing, and make that explanation more opaque to outsiders than the original technobabble. They don't really care to hear what you have to say; they just need to know that there is a technical cover (that only the tech employees can really understand) for choosing the status quo.

Nothing sells quite like an excuse to never change.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I was in your boat not too long ago (honestly, I'm still there but it's become better), and I realized a simple, yet effective way to interact with people without having to a.) talk as much and b.) put your opinions out there for a possible anxiety-inducing interaction.

It really came down to asking good questions. This allows people to help clarify themselves to you without you having to talk too much. It also builds your listening skills, which is probably one of the more important interpersonal skills you can attain. If you ask good questions, people will seek you out. Win-win for your interpersonal and professional goals.

As for resources, I recommend A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Idea. It's a great book with actionable items to help you ask people questions they don't normally hear, which will help people not only understand you better, but help you understand them better. In the end I wouldn't be surprised if this book helps you help other people flesh out their ideas, desires and needs.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Lots of good advice below but given your background you might want to consider approaching it like a project. Set reasonable objectives and goals, track progress, hold yourself accountable, and build on previous skills that you have acquired.

Some other thoughts: – It's super important that you know that the concept of introvert/extrovert is pseudo science, same for "left-brained" / "right-brained"(Ex.….

– Don't be ashamed of building yourself scripts, or practicing small talk techniques by yourself. It feels awkward at first but really helps to have something to fall back to when you need a plan

– Don't assume that social skills are natural, or innate. Groups like toastmasters exist because things like public speaking are difficult to master.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

1. Politely greet the people you pass by in the halls.

2. Practice small talk:

-Ask others about their lives and thoughts and work.


Try to have at least one such interaction per day. This will be really hard at first, but it gets easier.

Politics is mostly leveraging relationships. You grow them with care and a little attention over a long time.

Here's a secret. Most people are uncomfortable talking to others. You're not alone. But once you make friends with others, interactions will be more enjoyable!

Good luck!

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

This is great advice. They say the way to become friends is to slowly share more details about yourself, and learn them about someone else, and be interested in both.

The only thing I should add is try and REMEMBER what they told you. If you ask the same question again and again, they will know you aren't really listening, which is almost worse than not interacting.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

The hard part of this Ive found is faking being interested in their answers.

I find it hard to be genuine in these interactions and I think it shows 🙁

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

What an interesting question. Kudos to you for your self-awareness and being willing to tackle this. There's a lot of good advice in the comments (and a couple of clunkers).

I found it interesting that you phrased your interest as "learn workplace politics." From what you describe, it sounds more like this is more an issue of communications and process. I work in the consulting industry, where communications and process are often both critical to successful outcomes.

When I was starting out, I found Gerry Weinberg's books Becoming a Technical Leader, Secrets of Consulting, and The Psychology of Computer Programming to be very interesting and helpful. In fact, in one of them (I think it's Becoming a Technical Leader), Weinberg talks about how an "introvert" may actually turn out to be the more effective technical leader because they focus on solving problems instead of talking about them.

Weinberg also talks about not saying "no" (suggested in another comment), and this is something I've found to be very valuable in consulting. Rather than just telling someone their request can't be done, or accepting it mutely, tell them how much it will cost to do it (Weinberg explains this as the "Orange Juice Test" in Secrets of Consulting).

I do agree with the comment about using wireframes to confirm your understanding/spec with your users. There are other techniques that can also work (e.g., creating user stories with your stakeholders), but the common element is that you must communicate clearly, concisely, and cooperatively with others.

Sorry this comment is a little scattershot, but best of luck with your efforts.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

There has been some good advice on how you can work on your social skills but that's only part of your problem. The other part of your problem is the type of customer you're dealing with. Sales/marketing folks are often highly non-linear thinkers who live and die by their soft skills. So you are probably going to find that how they feel about you is going to dominate your relationship and status with them more than any actual results. In most sales/marketing environments I've seen you can pretty much toss things like logic, formal processes and written specs out the window. The mental space they live in and environment they operate in is very different than say finance or engineering which tends to be at the other end of the spectrum.

Something to seriously consider is trying to get out of that environment… it's not for everyone. You don't necessarily need to leave the company, but rather as you develop your social skills try to start building relationships in other departments and use them to find a path out. Politics are everywhere but the degree to which politics drive things can vary considerably from department to department and is often less dominant in less 'squishy' parts of the business.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

A few things:

1. No one considers you "that odd guy"

2. No one is that worried that you don't hang out at work place events

Your manager and coworkers should see that you get stuff done. For the most part, people don't care that much to evaluate you for being the odd guy or how social you are. People will judge you if your outward behavior are standard deviations off or if you're difficult to work with.

Your interaction with the marketing team shows that you need to learn some confidence about speaking up on things that aren't very clear. It's going to take practice to fix that. Escalate higher up to get guidence on that.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Sounds like your problem is more with taking action than having the right knowledge or intuition. Having worked in consulting a bit, you come to understand effective communication is something you just have to do, it's what you're selling. If you had a feeling the "spec" wasn't quite accurate and still set out on just following it – guess what? You messed up. Someone else wouldn't and that makes them better.

You can be an introvert, you might be shy, awkward, whatever. But do you want to do a good job or not? They aren't mutually exclusive.

When all you need to do is say something or ask questions – it doesn't matter if you're a smooth talker or a total mess. What matters is doing it.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I would encourage you to find a mentor who understands you. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how many engineers identify with the story you told.

I think it's harder to "pick-up" the skills by reading generic, broad advice in the form of blogs, books, and more effective to find a person you can trust, who can give you advice on how to handle real situations you're going through.

You'll be happier/more effective in the short term (as the mentor will guide you through these interactions), and you'll see the patterns of how to deal with these situations over the long term (picking up the skills).

You'll pick up the skills faster than you think! Good luck! 🙂

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

To that, this is a service I offer: improving the socialbility and softskills of developers and teams.

There's some decent advice in this thread. And no matter what you do it'll take work and change. But if anyone wants to improve on their softskills, i'd be happy to work with you!

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Been in your situation for some years.

My anxiety was a drain on my productivity and happiness. In the end, success mean't understanding it thoroughly.

Limiting human interactions is great for the company's productivity and terrible for your own personal and emotional growth.

Some of the personal strategies that helped me: – Going on a technology cliff for a while, really trying hard to adopt a non-IT/non-code mindset. – Separation of work and life – Understanding the people we work with and why we don't all get along. – Your interests will change over the years. What is cool to code-up today may well bore you at a later date. – Physical exercise, this did wonders. Get to the gym, lift weights, get out and run.

Some resources I kept coming back to: – or any lengthy MBTI explanations. – Podcasts on people and culture. E.g: This American Life from NPR is a well known one. – Books, movies, plays and podcasts that I initially labeled as 'boring' and uninteresting. This was discovered from all the people I did not vibe with.

Good luck OP. You can do it!

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

It's just life at tech companies. You can muddle through it as long as there is a minimum of actively toxic, sabotaging, ruthless political people. At some places there are too many to make it worth it and you have to find another job. A good resource is saving up enough money so you can tell a job to bugger off if you need to.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

There is a lot to unpack here.

Honestly you have a work problem that is less personal and more process (or lack there of).

The key to cracking the poor specs is to return specs to the people making the requests. Learn to do quick and dirty Wireframes and storyboards. It is faster to draw a bunch of boxes and say "If I build this, is it going to do what you want". The first few times you wireframe it is going to take you a LONG time to get a product out – but if you do them for EVERYTHING your quickly going to get fast at the process. There are tons of tools to help you with this process so dont be shy about finding one that works for you and dont be afraid to go to pen and paper.

When your giving these to someone to walk through PRINT THEM OUT – people take paper an order of magnitude more seriously than an email attachment.

As for your anxiety – take public speaking – learn to give speeches, learn to tell a story that holds attention. It is a skill and you have to master it like every other one. You might not ever get to the point of being comfortable but you might be more willing to endure that discomfort if you know that you can be effective.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Firstly Be above the politics. Do your job and just be yourself and be nice and polite to your work mates.

You lack communication.

When you get a crap spec like the ones you have obviously got. You should reject it with the exact reasons why the spec was insufficient.

Tell them politely and clearly what is insufficient about it. If you have a direct superior approach them first with your concerns about each spec and get them to help you to setup a meeting where you hash out the specifics.

There is no magical answer to getting this right. You just need to learn when to be assertive and just be clear, concise, logical and polite and ask for clarification if something is unclear.

It works wonders.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Lots of good advice, so I'll attack it from a different angle.

In my experience step 0 is to acknowledge that these personality traits are not essential parts of your identity. We all go through periods where we are more or less introverted.

That doesn't mean change is easy, but it's an important foundation for making the change.

After that I would focus on practice above all else. I would seek out social activities ( hiking groups, maker groups, charity groups, etc) where you can casually be social. Try to take on leadership roles (e.g. organizing meetups, taking minutes, recruitment, etc).

There's tons of great advice, but much like learning a language, the best way to learn the "social language" is by doing.

Getting this experience out of the office first is a risk-free way to build your social strengths.

Really great topic thanks for bringing it up.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Been there, done that.

This is not something you can solve and/or fix with a book.

Find a good job coach, whom you trust (VERY IMPORTANT), to talk to and practice with and then practice, practice, practice in, well, practice.

Also don't expect to "magically" get a lot better at this stuff. It will take a while. And with "a while" I mean months, not days.

But you really should start with finding a good job coach who you can trust.

Good luck!

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

A few things come to mind:

1. I agree with the others who said it's a thing you need to practice. While talking to people can be stressful, talking to people about things you're interested in is much less stressful. Find something in common and talk about that.

The connection doesn't need to be done entirely in person. For example, if you and your coworker share an interest in some area (space flight; unit testing; a particular video game; etc.), and you come across an interesting article, write a quick note to that person saying "Hey, saw this, thought you might find it interesting. I like how…" Then when you see that person, there's a good chance they'll say "thanks for sending me the article on Topic X that we both enjoy!" and a relatively low-stress conversation will follow.

2. On the other hand, it helps to set limits. If the sales people you work with tend to be more challenging, see if you can involve your boss, a product manager, or someone like that as a filter. Set-up time on your calendar blocking off meetings. Meet people half way, certainly, but also make it clear what you need to be successful.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I'm going to provide some contrary thoughts.

1. Your superiors should be shielding you from workplace politics. Developers and engineers shouldn't be subject to most of it. If your work is miring you in politics, get out ASAP. You should always be looking for the next gig, and this is one reason why. This isn't happening to you because you are introverted; it's because your workplace isn't as nice as you deserve.

2. Don't feel bad for being that "odd" guy. Chances are people aren't thinking of you that way as often as you think. One way you can remedy this, however, is to find at least one workplace friend. You don't have to be everyone's friend, but finding at least one person on your wavelength helps a lot. If you don't find this person then, again, find another company to work for.

3. You're not going to change the company you currently work for. If you stay with them, try to maintain a zen-like state while doing unpleasant things like communicating with other departments. While I'm sure you can work on our communication skills, it sounds like they are having you work with people who suck at communicating to engineers. Most of the time, you should be working through someone who can communicate through both parties and know what they want, while you focus your time on engineering. If your company doesn't already do this, it's unlikely that you are going to be able to fix it. Find a different company that doesn't expect developers to simultaneously act as project management or liaisons. Sometimes that kind of thing is necessary in our profession, but if it's constantly driving you up a wall then it's likely the company's problem, not yours. Not everyone should be expected to be good at such things, so don't let it get you down.

I keep saying that you should look out for a better position at another company, which is what you and everyone should do. Why? Not just because there are companies out there looking for people like you, but if your current company wants a developer to deal with that kind of bullshit(yes i know it's subjective), then you can help them by freeing up that position for some other developer who will take it with a smile.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Lift some weights. It might seem unrelated, but it's very crucial to improving your ability to deal with anxiety of all kinds. If you don't have experience around weight training equipment, then pay for small group training. Not only will you get a low-stakes opportunity to practice socializing, but the weight training will improve your testosterone production and your ability to regulate anxiety.

I should've done small group training years ago. Such a good investment.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

How does lifting weights teach OP about office politics? Seems tangentially related at best…

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Going to the gym is daunting for a person with social anxiety and/or autism.

It's often loud, crowded, and besides that it's filled with complicated machines you have to learn about before using.

When I walk into a gym my brainstem screams: "fucking RUN".

Pushing yourself to exercise in front of people who seem more powerful and more confident than you is a good way to gtfo of your comfort zone– and it's a low-risk way to do so. Because while it seems like a big deal to potentially make a fool out of yourself at the gym, it's not and nobody actually cares about the skinny guy in the corner fumbling around with the leg press, and most of those people you will never see again. The people you do see again have an essential but implicit bond to you: you're all trying to improve your physicality. Everyone there was once a beginner. Zero risk.

You can translate any confidence gained at the gym to the workplace. It shows up in the way you walk and the way you carry yourself in general, and you become less fearful of situations that look, at first, to be very high risk.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I was in the same boat a few years ago, did this class in improv at Second City specially chartered to socially anxious people and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made:…

Hopefully they have it in your city, or a similar resource, what was nice was that everyone was there for the same reason. The first class was very difficult, but it became easier and a lot of fun by the end. Hope that helps!

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

If you like the approach of just diving into the deep end: Toastmasters.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

It's easy.

– Lie

– Cheat

– Take credit for other people's work.

– Deflect blame to other people.

– Make friends with other jerks in the company and collaborate with them to distort facts in your favor at the expense of value creators within the company.

– Once you climb high enough in the hierarchy, start using your 'friends' as scapegoats for everything that goes wrong; you gotta keep feeding the beast… Even when the meat gets scarce.

– While you're doing all this backstabbing, be sure to keep a smile on your face.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

People are going to downvote you because it makes them feel bad, but I've seen people advance like that IRL.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

To able to utilize these skill without getting into trouble yourself is hard. I myself have no issue of using these skill, but its not easy. There are lack of courses or books to teach you this.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Just talk loud, talk a lot, smile a lot, keep complimenting your superiors and berate your subordinates often; that makes you look tough and your superiors will love it.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Is there a chance that your introversion is caused by not feeling comfortable around a certain type of people? Are you always introverted even with a close group of friends? Chances are that you're not compatible with a certain type of people but there are ways to overcome that. First try to understand where all this is coming from, do a lot of introspection, see a professional if you can. Take a personality test and read about it. However inaccurate the MBTI is, I found that it helped me a lot. Second, I found that my voice was a bad feedback loop, I'd attempt to weakly say something and people would not even hear me and that would make me close within myself even more and when I had the chance to say something I would avoid it based on pervious experience. Eventually I had become comfortable in my unconfortable silence. This can be unlearned and should be unlearned at all costs, it will save your sanity later on. Learning to project my voice has helped me quite a bit. Also being prepared helped me as well.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I am currently developing a program/course to deal exactly with this issue (15+ years as a team lead/manager/director, started in systems admin and development). I want to take a few students one on one through the course. Feel free to email me:

I was going to wait a few weeks, until I had more content ready, but might as well start now.

If anyone else is running into something similar, shoot me a note, we can get a 5-6 person study group together and I'd happy to provide some generic basics, and do a deeper dive into the specific issues you may be having (free of charge obviously, hopefully in exchange for some feedback).

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I had some 1 on 1 leadership training years back and it was actually very effective – what was particularly horrific (from my perspective) was when I was videoed in one-on-one meetings with senior team leaders.

Definitely think that training helped me a lot and one small thing I still remember to do all the time is to always ask "What do you think?" when discussing things with people!

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Take it or leave it: I'd say learn more about yourself, how the "extroverted is good, introverted is bad" culture came about, and how to work with your strengths. One book I'd recommend if you want to start exploring this more is "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking."…

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I suggest you read "how to talk to anyone, anytime and anywhere" by Larry King. It is not a bs self-help book. It is written by an expert in a very professional way. There are actionable insights in it. I am a senior engineer, I used to find it hard to make conversation but now it's easy. The main take away for me is that the easiest way to start a conversation is to make it about the other person, people love to talk about themselves.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News


1. The Ask A Manager Podcast and the audiobook on Audible.

2. Take a co-leadership course or read their book

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

My recommendation is to go to your team lead/manager and tell them what you wrote in the first two paragraphs. Ask them for help in developing those skills.

My experience has been that learning office politics is more about having a trusted mentor that is good at doing this. You are looking for a mentor that would bring you to meetings and into conversations where you can observe what they do, what the other people do, and take notes. Have a debriefing session afterwards to discuss why you believe each person behaved or said the things they did. What you will gain by this is experience in looking at interactions from multiple viewpoints.

Once you can start predicting those reactions by anticipating other people's viewpoints, then social interaction becomes much easier. You aren't caught off guard nearly as much, and the level of anxiety goes down significantly.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

This show is pretty good, but take it all with a grain of salt and recognize that the experience of the two hosts is not representative of all engineering jobs. Still lots of good advice though:

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Have you considered therapy? It sounds like you need some self-reflection skills and a therapist could help you develop those skills.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

1) Apply your normal engineering problem solving skills. This can be solved like any other problem. Say you’re bad at a certain type of math problem what do you do? Practice and apply trial and error. What’s your strategy? What worked and what didn’t?

2) You need to brute force it. You probably have a tendency to avoid social situations instinctively or anything that might lead to a social interaction. Stop doing this. Whenever a possibility of social interaction arises, force yourself to do it. Even if it’s painful just look at it as training.

3) If you brute force it long enough eventually you end up loosening up and becoming a more fluid, relaxed, and confident person.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I haven't seen anyone post this here: Consider seeing a therapist. If you think you might be on the spectrum, having a professional diagnose you can go a long way towards understanding how you specifically are having a hard time with social interactions.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

In your case I think the solution is pretty clear. Try hanging out more with your colleagues. If you don’t enjoy it then consider it “work” and part of the job.

You don’t have to stay the whole time or even talk too much. Just make an effort to be there which will be noticed and appreciated. It’s ok to leave early as long as you do so quietly.

The flip side to you not socializing with your colleagues is they consider it a rejection by you.

These events are supposed to be fun and for you they are not. I get that this isn’t fair but if you want to solve the problem of not being seen as a machine you have to try.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

One common trait that makes introverts introverts is that we all are driven by the relentless desire to be thought of as a good guy, to live up to the image that others have built about us, to live up to the image that you have built about yourself.

Hard to tell why only some ppl 'suffer' from this. Maybe years of praise by parents/school teachers that you are some sort of 'good guy' and you yourself start believing that be to true at some point.

You could do a million things to overcome it but all of those would work shortterm and you would revert straight back to your introvert self as long as you have desire to be thought of as a good guy. Only sustainable "solution" to this problem is solve this issue.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

48 laws of power

chapter names already give you some pointers

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Yes. This book ^ I look at it as a guide for power to not be used against you. This book has greatly improved my life.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

The most basic and familiar form of office politics is a good bug report: it lays out exactly what the problem is, why it’s important, and proves that you’re a competent, motivated partner in figuring it out, not just “holding it wrong.” This is bread and butter of the political task of getting someone else’s resources allocated to help you.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Many techies (myself included) do not like smalltalk. There is no point to it. An interesting theory about that is "The Psychopath Code" by Pieter Hintjens [0]: People do it because it makes detecting psychopaths easier. You could try to turn it into a game. Find the psychopaths at work.


Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Human interaction isn't so hard, you just need to view it as a problem to be solved, just like everything else.

There are some good YouTube videos that break this stuff down:

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

The Syntax podcast just did an episode on some strategies for getting along at work.

My one piece of advice is to treat the problem like a really hard programming challenge — it's a problem that definitely is solvable by you but will take a lot of work and learning a lot of new skills. You may never enjoy it or be the best at it, but you absolutely can do it.

Clearly you're on this path already by asking the question.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I am not very political, but I really enjoyed reading The Fixer. It might help you understand politics as it relates to technologies you know.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Break your comfort zone. Try taking some improv classes. Once you break the ice it actually becomes fun.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Talk to a psychotherapist. You are having social anxiety and they are best equipped to help you.

EDIT: It's also important to note that introversion does not equal poor interpersonal skills. It's about what environment an individual feels rejuvenated.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Aside from Dale Carnegie, I found "Stealing the Corner Office" very useful (despite the cornball title).

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

The best advice (though likely to be unpopular) is learn the basics of evolutionary psychology and body language. There is a lot more to learn after that but if you don't know those, there is too much you won't be able to see.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Isn't this like learning assembly to program python?

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Highly recommend "The Passionate Programmer" by Chad Fowler.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

This is a very tough question. When I was a lot younger I had a similar question regarding dating. Let me transpose the advice from there what will likely have some added value for this as well. I have friends who are like you, I also see what they do (not much). It pains me to see it since I was in a similar situation once in my life. Now I'm still weird and odd but I'm also social! 😀 And people seem to like that.

A couple of tips on finding truth in the social arena:

1. You have to find the truth by experimenting yourself. Set social experiments up deliberately and in a controlled environment [1].

2. Psychologists are mostly wrong due to the replication crisis. I didn't know this at the time, I've suffered the consequences I'm overfitted to detect human biases. I found that I know how people work much better than any psychology book (I did a bachelors in it). I also tested/experimented a lot more than any psychologist because I don't need to publish papers.

3. Self help books are about as wrong as psychology text books. My tip: go for the great classics (e.g. Dale Carnegie), ignore the rest unless you know that that person has a very similar profile like you.

4. When you experiment be ethical but err a little bit on the side for choosing for yourself. Chances are that you're too careful anyway. Slight transgressions are fine as long as you learn from them and rectify your mistakes. If you can't make mistakes then you're not in a place to learn anyway. My worst transgression was saying outrageous opening lines and looking at the effects of them [2].

5. Find books via HN just use the search bar or some aggregated data analysis on what books HN uses. That'll be a good application of 3.

With these tips you can find truth: ignore most books, test things yourself, do take the books for people who were like you (that's not an easy tip), err on the side of making mistakes. Personally, I haven't found an easier way and I learned this over 10+ years.

A couple of tips on dealing with anxiety:

1. Try to find core positive emotions that are natural to you. Mine are (in order): curiosity, fantasy/imagining things and playfulness (playfulness is already tricky). Identify it, frame everything like that. Curiosity goes really well with finding truth and experimenting. "How does this work?" is a question I often asked and tested.

2. Learn meditation, also helps in boosting emotional intelligence. I can write a book about it but I'll recommend you one instead. Search Inside Yourself from Chade-Meng Tan. Best book I know on the topic (I read a lot of them).

One tip on politics itself:

1. I don't know where I read it but it stuck. Social skills and political skills are different. There are people with good social skills who are not good politically. The reason is that political games are about groups not individuals. Learn how to divide and conquer (i.e. talk to multiple people 1 on 1 and push your ideas through that you are convinced about and think are good for the company).

On finding coaches:

1. Coaches are very hard to find. I've had several of them. The one that worked best for me was the one that showcased and demonstrated what was actually possible by doing it himself. All looked really social and good. But you need someone who's able to demonstrate and give real-time live feedback even during the conversation (in a covert way via text for example for obvious reason, or in ear also helps though I never tried that).

On using advice:

1. I am a sponge and would be too easily influenced by advice. A couple of questions you need to ask yourself for taking advice: (1) does the advice make sense to you? If it doesn't then why not (possibly do a couple of Google searches). If it still doesn't then leave that particular advice as on hold. Don't discard it but put it on the backlog and don't use it.

On dealing with people you tell that you're doing this:

1. If people are weirded out that you're methodical and as scientific as possible about this then discard that opinion. It's tough for other people to know what you go through since they never had this problem themselves. Even good empaths may not be able to empathize with you (though some obviously do, they are good empaths after all).

[1] i.e. not work but with strangers or if there can't go too much wrong then in your work environment.

[2] Spoiler alert: almost all my predictions were off, you can say some ridiculous stuff and have it do something other than completely mop you over the floor, friends who struggle with this don't believe it. Then I show them and they still don't believe it. Then I show them 5 to 10 times and they might consider believing it some day. Please experiment yourself.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Human Nature — Robert Greene –all you need and you will have to accept it not just Grok it intellectually.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

This will be a controversial one, but have you tried alcohol?

The next time there’s a staff night out, go to it, drink, lose your inhibitions and talk to people.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Honestly, a good tip– that is, if you're not prone to drinking alone, or to addiction.

It's a good tip because the OP needs just ONE interaction where he shows his colleagues that he is capable of the kinds of pleasant social interactions that they are.

This would break the ice for OP as well, knowing that his robotic reputation has been proved not totally correct, and will perhaps allow him to relax somewhat and take more risks socially.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Was going to say this, most office offsites have alcohol. Drink coffee with it if it makes you sleepy. Don't have more than one drink with each course. Don't drink while actually in the office (!), if you socialize enough at the offsites and smile at people, they won't care that you don't small talk at the coffee machine.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

> go to it, drink, lose your inhibitions and talk to people.

Be careful, this can go sooooo badly!

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Now you have two problems.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

What a lot of people do is, instead of giving their own opinion, assess what the most respected people are likely to say, and try to say it before they do. Viewed solely on its performance rather than on its intrinsic worthiness, it's probably a good strategy.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I would suggest to read up on requirements gathering, analysis and maybe negotiation. One thing is small talk and socialization – but your problems with marketing and sales are not that. The issue is not that you don't have good enough small talk. It is that you don't know what you are expected to do. That is literally requirements gathering.

Reading up on that should you allow to formalise process of communication a bit more. That in turn helps even to highly social people. It should help you even more.

Lastly, guys "that you simply give tasks to, and ultimately the job gets done" are awesome to work with, even if they don't chat much. Really. Have collegues like that and they are great to be in office or team with.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I don't have particular resources for this type of issue but a few pointers which might help:

1 – Have a clear definition of your jobs remit in your own mind and be willing to say no entirely or partially to requests which are impossible or poorly defined. If someone hasn't given it thought themselves, why should you? This should be phrased in a polite manner and if they don't respond followed up after a few days to ensure blame cannot be placed on you.

2 – Identify key figures in your environment who are gatekeeprs/yield power in the business. These are people who you want to befriend or destabalise/reduce their power over you.

3 – Get some social skills outside of work, socialising is a skillset and can be developed regardless of the person. It is easier for some and more difficult for others but with practice you will improve, why not try a local tech club to test the water and maybe have some fun?

4 – Go to work events once you have some social skills. If you're terrible at even having a short, average conversation about the weekend for example, you will just be known as the awkward work guy who comes to events but no one likes..

5 – Understand what people want/their motiviations and their routine; If you can understand what makes a person tick and how they function, even on a low level you can use this information to either build rapport or to introduce chaos. An example of this would be a persons morning routine, if you know someone, lets say your boss arrives at 7:58 in the morning like clockwork, puts his bags by his desk and then gets ready to grab a coffee, why not ask him just before he puts his bags down and goes through the coffee thought process? You can talk about how the weekend was, maybe something funny that happened in the office etc and build rapport but also provide an outlet for venting.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I have your exact problem. I've been diagnosed as autism type I as well (equivalent to asperger's).

There are lots of good tips here, and often people suggest reading books and whatnot. Personally, it looks a bit overwhelming. I'll give you my advice just to add to the torrent, and hopefully you'll read it. I hope it's a bit gentler.

I'm not currently employed (still in university) and so this little problem of mine has not affected me as much as it may have affected you, but I recognize it will likely become a problem in the future, so I've been taking steps to remedy the thing.

1) The first thing I did this semester was start a conversation with the guy sitting next to me in class. He asked that I save his seat. When he came back, I asked what program he was in and etc. and got his Facebook contact info. Now, I've gone to great lengths to avoid him outside of class, but we talk in the ten minutes before the lecture starts, and I have found it's a good balance of pain vs gain. Take home: 5-10 min of meaningless conversation is better than nothing.

2) Someone else came up to me this semester in another class, asking about the homework. In time, I found that sitting next to him and chatting idly was actually relaxing. He is the kind of guy we all need in our life– he simply doesn't have judgments to doll out to you, and will happily converse about whatever comes up, and happily sit silent if there's nothing to talk about. I make sure to ask how he is on occasion if I don't see him around. Take home: When you find someone that doesn't make you want to jump out of your skin, attempt to maintain your relationship.

3) Maintaining relationships: If you don't like social obligations but still want to maintain relationships to the degree that you're not treated as a robot in the office, the best thing to do is ask questions of the other person, the answers to which, of course, you are personally and genuinely interested in. I ask people about their day to start, and then I ask questions about their future: what do they want and why. This helps me understand their motivations and puts me at ease because the knowledge allows me to predict their behavior more accurately. Another thing is to just ask about people's days whenever you see them. When people give you a genuine response to the question, then you know you're on their good side. You can get on their good side by acting interested in them and asking about their day!

4) Don't push yourself to take on too many relationships or to get close to a lot of people. Keep it as simple as possible. Maintain as much distance as you want while at the same time edging slowly out of your comfort zone. Say hi or smile at people you pass in the office. If someone comes to your desk to give you a task, ask them how their day is going, SMILE. It's these little tiny actions that accumulate in the other person's mind to form a picture of you. You don't need to do anything huge.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

First off, put it into your head that people skills are critical, for both professional and personal lives. Make it a goal for yourself to develop them.

Below are a few things that I had found helpful:

1. Book "Human Relationships" by Steve Duck [1]. The author of the book says that his students were suffering from the same people/relationship issues as everyone else in spite of the relevant education in psychology. So he reasoned something is all wrong about the way social psychology is taught, and wrote this book for helping people as oppose to teaching them. One impact on me was learning that the percentage of people feeling shy about initiating a conversation at some point in their lives was nearing half of them. In other words, the person in the front of you could also be just waiting to talk to you. I had read the first edition of the book which had very natural tone to it. The fourth edition [1] seems much refined for rigor, which seems impacting the basic premise of the book! So consider buying an older edition.

2. The challenge for me wasn't just difficulty in talking, but a limitation of interest and knowledge outside of the STEM fields. This then becomes a vicious cycle since you would not talk to people and not even learn about topics outside of work. Build some common interests outside of work, may be just by reading some books in isolation. Read a lot of news, as a lot of conversations build on it.

3. Early on, I used to be the silent one in many conversations because of #2 above. I started participating in the conversations simply by asking questions on what I did not understand. Asking too many questions annoys people, so need to be balanced. Read about the discussed topics offline afterwards as needed. Over the time, you get to understand those conversations, will start participating, and also, those people would start accommodating you while calibrating themselves for you with the skill level you have.

4. The people around would accommodate you, as far as they do not see it as your lacking interest in them. It's better to be seen as a person lacking people skills rather than as one lacking interest in them. Try not to miss lunches and dinners opportunities at work, even if you are not talking much there.

5. One-to-one conversations are easier. Break the ice with those. Soon you would be comfortable in a group setting where you are comfortable with say half of the people.

6. Join social media and make connections with all those people. Being behind a keyboard instead of face-to-face helps because you get more time to think how to respond. Do genuinely participate, click Likes, etc. This will not only develop connections with those people, but also slowly make you better for live verbal conversations.


Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

1. Being introverted has nothing to do with having autism or social anxiety. If you honestly think this is the case, seek out a doctor, otherwise you are just mocking those with an actual condition. Seek real help and stop using this as an excuse.

2. The issue you are having isn't workplace politics. It's because as a developer, you have a responsibility to solve problems.

> what I implemented, which was what they asked, was not what they wanted"

That's your responsibility to speak up and help them solve problems. A developer who only does what people ask him to do will never get far. They are the literal code monkey. If you want to be successful, you need to work with people to help solve their problems. This means understanding why they are asking for things.

3. Honestly, it needs to start with you.

> I ended up being treated like a machine

That's because you probably treat them like machines.

> I love technology and code, less so humans. A lot less.

That's pretty insulting, and people are quick to pick up on how you treat them, and treat you like that in return.

The best thing you can do for yourself is assume that everyone else is honestly trying to do the best job they can, and honestly try to help them succeed at that job. Most people are like this. You'll have people lie to you and tell you to treat people poorly or assume bad things about people, but those are just dicks. Most people just want to do their job, do it well, and get home. Help them do this. Respect them as people who are just as valuable as you. But if your attitude comes off as not caring about their needs and only wanting to get back to he code, well, you aren't really doing your part.

Help others achieve success. That's what a lot of these books will tell you.

Anyways, really, what I wanted to say was to seek out a professional if you think you have a condition, or stop using it as an excuse. It's insulting at best.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

I'm sorry I can't remember the exact title but i read a book on non-verbal communication a while back that was really helpful for learning to read body language and helping me adjust my own body language to come across as more friendly. It's really surprising how much just changing your posture and paying attention to your facial expressions really helps with talking to people. It also helps you pick up on their emotinal state whether they're nervous or anything. Any book that teaches those concepts should help.

Also, not really a resource but something a friend of mine told me years ago that always stuck with me and really helped me with the way I am around people. She told me being shy and introverted isn't much different than being arrogant. It means you're more concerned about the way your words or actions will be perceived by other people instead of actually paying attention to other people. Most people, even extroverted people, get nervous talking to people, especially strangers. The way I see it other people are just as nervous talking to me so it is kinda selfish to sit there and be introverted and make other people reach out to me or talk to me. I've tried to keep this inind over the years when I meet or talk to people and it's helped. Even if i'm uncomfortable in a situation just understanding that whoever i'm talking to probably is also and it helps me relax and usually being relaxed helps the other person relax and where I used to have a lot of awkward conversations with people I find they flow more naturally now the less I worry.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News is a good Q/A resource for office conflict and other kinds of workplace issues.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

This is a throw-away account. I have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and don't disclose that to the community or my employers. My advice might be helpful as people with my condition have difficulty in the workplace.

A part of becoming a senior/lead developer is, in my experience, largely a social endeavor. At some point the problems one faces are not tractable for a single engineer to face alone. There is a finite limit on your time and many unknown problems that can overwhelm even the most astute and exemplary developer cannot be avoided. This is where you need to learn to delegate responsibility for certain tasks to other team members and learn to lead everyone in the right direction towards a common goal.

Your intuitions are correct: this is a skill you will have to learn and good on you for asking for advice. I treat it like another engineering problem: a distributed consensus protocol with high latency in the average case.

For reading material other people have recommended _How to Win Friends and Influence People_. I have found the advice in this book to be practical for dealing with interpersonal relationships in the workplace and learning how to gain and use influence. Influence is a social currency that I have found to be effective in negotiating disagreements and convincing people to adopt your ideas.

For learning how to work in a team as a leader or manager I also recommend _Extreme Ownership_ by Jocko Willinck [0]. It has provided me a framework to use which has been helpful as my career has transitioned into leadership and management. I have been fortunate enough that my team has been receptive to these practices although getting there has been difficult.

One of the harder lessons to learn is how to deliver constructive criticism and feedback in an engineering context. This is especially difficult for someone like me when communicating with junior engineers on my team in code review. It's one of my greater weaknesses but is sometimes an asset when I do succeed at showing someone why type theory matters or how an appropriate use of a data structure can improve performance. The problem I have the most difficulty with is when a senior colleague on my team insists on a factually incorrect assertion and forces their opinion by using misleading questions and rhetoric. Unfortunately I have not come across any books or courses on constructive criticism to share.

I do find the Recurse Center's Code of Conduct to be a good guide as well:


Dealing with people is challenging and exhausting however having a framework for interactions and setting expectations ahead of time helps make these challenges po

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Make friend with people good at it.

Also work on being more at ease. "Limiting human interaction" is a bad route to go down to.

And finally on a positive note: learn to love your anxiety. Listen to what it says to you, knowing that its will ultimately help u do things better. People with no anxiety dont do things well. Learn to use it and master it to be better. Dont run from it

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News
Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News


Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

While it is fun, I don't see how that will help ^^;

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

Dead people don't fret about soft skills.

Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News


Ask HN: Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics? | Hacker News

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