流量分析工具(二):centos7 + suricata + redis + ELK | xxx流量分析工具(二):centos7 + suricata + redis + ELK – xxx

流量分析工具(二):centos7 + suricata + redis + ELK

四月 27, 2023 - FreeBuf



1. 需求

目前有一个针对网络流量的攻击日志回溯项目,要求部署一套支持全流量解析并快速检索的系统,计划是解析实时流量并将解析后的json日志存储到 ELK中。

  1. 要求包含比较详细的应用层信息,比如 HTTP 的URL、请求头、响应头、请求体和响应体。

  2. 支持实时抓包,并存储成pcap的功能,以供本地使用wireshark回溯分析。

  3. 支持在大流量背景下的全包存储能力,类似于tcpdump的抓包保存pcap功能。

  4. 支持网络流量的威胁检测能力

2. 为什么选择 surcata?

suricata 主要用于企业业务流量的实时分析,是一款非常常用的 IDS 产品,也支持IPS 的功能,通过参数配置即可打开。

suricata 可以完成实时流量的解析,也可以使用离线模式读取pcap。


http, ftp, tls, smb, dns, dcerpc, ssh, smtp, imap, modbus, dnp3, enip, nfs, ikev2, krb5, ntp, dhcp, rfb, rdp, snmp, tftp, sip, http2 

通过调研发现,suricata的应用层协议输出并不是全部的数据。比如,针对HTTP协议,suricata 无法识别存储HTTP的请求体和响应体,只能做到URL、请求头和响应头的解析和显示。

对比,同类型的产品 zeek,发现zeek也是默认不支持存储HTTP的请求体和响应体,但zeek的脚本功能可以自定义http的协议输出

参考 流量分析的瑞士军刀:Zeek:https://www.cnblogs.com/cscshi/p/16582940.html

与此同时,suricata的 lua脚本功能也可以配置输出HTTP的请求体和响应体,但是还有一个更简单的方式,suricata的规则告警输出的http报文默认包含 HTTP请求体和响应体,通过修改配置文件即可在告警日志中出现 Base64 编码的请求体和响应体。

types:     - alert:         http-body: yes           # Requires metadata; enable dumping of HTTP body in Base64         # http-body-printable: yes # Requires metadata; enable dumping of HTTP body in printable format 


alert http any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP protocol"; http.protocol; content:"HTTP/"; sid:3;) 

另外一个关键点是,在大流量背景下,zeek是通过各种不同的脚本配置输出日志的, 会比较早的遇到性能瓶颈,毕竟所有流量都会挨个经过所有的脚本。

suricata如果启用 lua 脚本支持的话,也会遇到大流量的性能瓶颈,但在不启用lua脚本且规则数量较少的情况下,可以轻松应对3G/s


3. 为什么选择redis作为消息队列?

suricata 支持将日志输出到文件、redis、syslog,但不支持输出到 kafka,但可以使用 reids 的 channel 模式,替代 kafka 的 topic 功能。



使用suricata将日志输出到 eve.json文件,然后使用logstash加载 eve.json 文件,并写入到 elasticsearch中。这个也是最常用的方式,网上的教程大多数都是这个方式。

特点:不会造成数据丢失,但 json 文件过多的话会严重占用磁盘空间,需要手动定期删除。


使用suricata将日志输出到 suricata的kafka插件,然后使用 kafka 写入到 elasticsearch中。

特点:kafka插件是python写的, 我没测试,有需要的话可以自己配置。


改写suricata的输出功能的源码,配置支持将日志输出到 kafka,然后使用 kafka 写入到 elasticsearch中。

suricata 支持Kafka输出:https://www.jianshu.com/p/7877bed3684c

特点:改写源码,俺也不会啊,github有一个已经改写支持的kafka的suricata项目,但使用的是suricata4.0项目, 我没有测试。kafka-feature-3105-v5


使用suricata将日志输出到syslog,然后使用logstash读取 syslog 数据,并写入到 elasticsearch中。



使用suricata将日志输出到redis的 channel 模式,然后使用logstash读取 redis 的 channel数据,并写入到 elasticsearch中。


对比参考连接 深入探究Kafka与Redis的对比https://www.dbs724.com/65282.html



系统环境:使用最小化安装的 centos7.8 suricata:源码安装 suricata-6.0.10.tar.gz ELK:     elasticsearch-8.7.0-x86_64.rpm     kibana-8.7.0-x86_64.rpm     logstash-8.7.0-x86_64.rpm 需要依赖: 	htp-0.5.17.tar.gz 	LuaJIT-2.0.5.tar.gz 

二、安装 suricata

1. 安装依赖文件


yum install -y http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm yum install -y python3-pip git redis net-tools gcc libpcap-devel pcre-devel libyaml-devel file-devel zlib-devel jansson-devel nss-devel libcap-ng-devel libnet-devel tar make libnetfilter_queue-devel lua-devel PyYAML cargo libevent-devel libffi-devel libmaxminddb-devel lz4-devel openssl-devel python3-devel rustc unzip hiredis-devel kernel-devel -y 

2. 安装LuaJIT

用于替换suricata原生带有的 lua,效率更高,参考链接: lua与luaJit简介

wget http://luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.0.5.tar.gz tar -zxf LuaJIT-2.0.5.tar.gz cd LuaJIT-2.0.5/ make && make install  # 配置链接库 echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf ldconfig 

3. 安装HTP库


wget https://github.com/OISF/libhtp/releases/download/0.5.17/htp-0.5.17.tar.gz tar -xzvf htp-0.5.17.tar.gz cd htp-0.5.17 ./configure make && make install 

4. 安装 suricata



# 编译 tar zxvf suricata-6.0.10.tar.gz cd suricata-6.0.10/ ./configure  --prefix=/usr  --sysconfdir=/etc  --localstatedir=/var  --enable-nfqueue  --enable-luajit  --with-libluajit-includes=/usr/local/include/luajit-2.0/  --with-libluajit-libraries=/usr/local/lib/  --enable-redis  --enable-hiredis  --enable-profiling  --enable-geoip  --enable-rust  #--enable-lua  #  liblua and luajit 不能共存 #--enable-nfqueue #为内联IDP(启用NFQueue支持)启用NFQueue支持,一般开启Suricata的IPS模式时使用 #--enable-profiling #启用性能分析 


# 加入PF_RING支持 --enable-pfring #启用本机Pf_Ring的支持 --with-libpfring-includes #libpfring的目录 --with-libpfring-libraries #libpfring的库目录  #Lua主要用来编写规则 --enable-luajit #启用Luajit(C语言编写的Lua代码解析器)支持 --with-libluajit-includes #libluajit的目录 --with-libluajit-libraries #libluajit的库目录  #使用scan(一个高性能的多重正则表达式匹配库)时,所需的库 --with-libhs-includes #libhs的目录 --with-libhs-libraries #libhs的库目录  --with-libnss-libraries #libnss的目录 --with-libnss-includes #libnss的库目录  --with-libnspr-libraries #libnspr的目录 --with-libnspr-includes #libnspr的库目录  # 安装编译时用到的依赖组件 yum -y install liblua5.1-dev #配置支持lua, --enable-lua yum -y install libgeoip-dev  #配置支持GeoIP, --enable-geoip yum -y install rustc cargo   #配置支持Rust, --enable-rust 


make make install  # 生成配置文件,会在/etc/suricata/下面生成新的配置文件 make install-conf  # 生成规则规则 make install-rules  # 全部生成 make install-full 


# 查看编译信息 suricata --build-info  # 启用测试  suricata -T 


# 监听模式 suricata -i ens33 -c /etc/suricata/suricata_multi.yaml -v -k none --runmode autofp -D  # 离线读包模式 suricata -i ens33 -r pcap_source_data/ -v -k none --runmode autofp  -i ens33 # 指定网卡  -c /etc/suricata/suricata_multi.yaml # 指定配置文件 --runmode autofp # 运行模式 -D 后台运行 



mkdir /etc/suricata/rules/ cd /etc/suricata/rules/  vim suricata.rules alert http any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP protocol"; http.protocol; content:"HTTP/"; sid:3;) 

在前面步骤中make install-conf,可以/etc/suricata/目录生成suricata的配置文件 suricata.yaml


default-rule-path: /etc/suricata/rules  rule-files:   - suricata.rules 


suricata -i ens33 -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -T 


suricata -i ens33 -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -v -k none --runmode autofp 

四、配置 suricata输出

1. 修改日志格式为json

默认输出位置在 /etc/suricata目录,修改文件 /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml。

vim /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml  # Define your logging outputs.  If none are defined, or they are all   # disabled you will get the default: console output.   outputs:   - console:       enabled: yes       type: json   - file:       enabled: yes       level: info       filename: suricata.log       type: json   - syslog:       enabled: no       facility: local5       format: "[%i] <%d> -- "       type: json 

2. 开启pcap输出功能

vim /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml    - pcap-log:       enabled: yes       filename: listen.pcap       limit: 1000mb       max-files: 100    # 每个1G,100个是100G       compression: none       mode: sguil # normal, multi or sguil.       dir: /data/suricata/pcaps/       use-stream-depth: no # "no" logs all packets       honor-pass-rules: no # If set to "yes", flows in which a pass rule matched will stop being logged. 

3. 启用所有协议的日志输出

参考官网: https://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/suricata-6.0.10/output/eve/eve-json-format.html

4. 输出到 eve.json文件(本次不采用此模式)

输出到 eve.json 文件,可以很方便的调试配置文件的输出,可以通过文件的大小

在此用于解释多文件输出的用法,以方便理解后面的两个通道输出到 redis的过程。


EVE JSON输出:https://www.osgeo.cn/suricata/output/eve/eve-json-output.html#output-types



suricata支持在日志输出的位置配置不同的输出器,这里先配置输出到json文件,后续输出到ELK中时需要改成输出到 redis 的 channel 模式。




vim /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml  outputs:   - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: regular 	# 可选regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis       filename: /data/suricata/protocol/alert-%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.json       filemode: 644       json:         preserve-order: yes         compact: yes         ensure-ascii: yes         escape-slash: yes       rotate-interval: 60m  # 60 minutes       threaded: false 

5. 输出多个 eve.json 文件(用于理解多通道输出)


官方支持将不同的协议日志输出到不同的文件中,在output中配置同级的 eve-log 即可,但是官方并建议使用很多个独立的日志文件输出。


outputs:   - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: regular 	# 可选regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis       filename: eve-ips.json       types:         - alert         - drop    - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: regular 	# 可选regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis       filename: eve-nsm.json       types:         - http         - dns         - tls 

实现思路很简单,就是将 - eve-log: 并列多写几个,然后指定不同的输出即可。

复制配置文件到 suricata_multi.yaml,修改配置

vim /etc/suricata/suricata_multi.yaml  # 输出alert告警日志到 /data/suricata/protocol/alert-m-%d-%H:%M:%S.json,告警日志级别选择 Alert   - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: regular #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis       filename: /data/suricata/protocol/alert-%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.json       filemode: 644       json:         preserve-order: yes         compact: yes         ensure-ascii: yes         escape-slash: yes        rotate-interval: 60m  # 60 minutes       threaded: false       identity: "suricata"       facility: local5       level: Alert        metadata: yes       pcap-file: true       community-id: true       community-id-seed: 0       xff:         enabled: yes         mode: extra-data         deployment: reverse         header: X-Forwarded-For        types:         - alert:             payload: no             packet: no             metadata: yes             http-body: yes             tagged-packets: yes             metadata:                 app-layer: true                 flow: false                 rule:                     metadata: false                     raw: false             xff:               enabled: yes               mode: extra-data               deployment: reverse               header: X-Forwarded-For # 输出协议日志到 /data/suricata/protocol/protocol-%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.json 文件,告警日志级别选择 Info   - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: regular #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis       filename: /data/suricata/protocol/protocol-%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.json       filemode: 644       json:         preserve-order: yes         compact: yes         ensure-ascii: yes         escape-slash: yes        rotate-interval: 60m  # 60 minutes       threaded: false       identity: "suricata"       facility: local5       level: Info       ethernet: yes       metadata: yes       pcap-file: true       community-id: true       community-id-seed: 0       xff:         enabled: yes         mode: extra-data         deployment: reverse         header: X-Forwarded-For        types:         - http:             extended: yes             dump-all-headers: both         - dns:             version: 2             enabled: yes             requests: yes             responses: yes             formats: [detailed, grouped]             types: [a, ns, md, mf, cname, soa, mb, mg, mr, null, wks, ptr, hinfo, minfo, mx, txt, rp, afsdb, x25, isdn, rt, nsap, nsapptr, sig, key, px, gpos, aaaa, loc, nxt, srv, atma, naptr, kx, cert, a6, dname, opt, apl, ds, sshfp, ipseckey, rrsig, nsec, dnskey, dhcid, nsec3, nsec3param, tlsa, hip, cds, cdnskey, spf, tkey, tsig, maila, any, uri]         - tls:             extended: yes             session-resumption: yes             custom: [subject, issuer, session_resumed, serial, fingerprint, sni, version, not_before, not_after, certificate, chain, ja3, ja3s] 


suricata -i ens33 -c /etc/suricata/suricata_multi.yaml -v -k none --runmode autofp 

查看启动日志输出,存在 All AFP capture threads are running.即说明启动成功。



[root@NTA protocol]# cd /data/suricata/protocol/ [root@NTA protocol]# ls -l total 22785064 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root           0 Apr 20 10:30 alert-2023-04-20-10:30:19.json -rw-r--r--. 1 root root           0 Apr 20 10:33 alert-2023-04-20-10:33:17.json -rw-r--r--. 1 root root        3865 Apr 20 10:33 protocol-2023-04-20-10:30:19.json -rw-r--r--. 1 root root        3859 Apr 20 10:34 protocol-2023-04-20-10:33:17.json 


[root@NTA protocol]# tail protocol-2023-04-20-10:30:19.json -n1 | jq {   "timestamp": "2023-04-20T10:33:15.336837+0800",   "flow_id": 1817757461430226,   "in_iface": "ens33",   "event_type": "flow",   "src_ip": "",   "src_port": 61063,   "dest_ip": "",   "dest_port": 22,   "proto": "TCP",   "flow": {     "pkts_toserver": 3,     "pkts_toclient": 3,     "bytes_toserver": 270,     "bytes_toclient": 162,     "start": "2023-04-20T10:30:30.835538+0800",     "end": "2023-04-20T10:32:30.831269+0800",     "age": 120,     "state": "new",     "reason": "shutdown",     "alerted": false   },   "ether": {     "dest_macs": [       "00:0c:29:4f:81:53"     ],     "src_macs": [       "00:50:56:c0:00:08"     ]   },   "community_id": "1:z05uY2pXcMpfBOoYDWsPvPs4hdk=",   "tcp": {     "tcp_flags": "00",     "tcp_flags_ts": "00",     "tcp_flags_tc": "00"   },   "host": "suricata_sensor" } 

到此,就说明整体的流程配置好了,既然有了json文件的输出,就可以使用logstash读取文件然后入库到 elasticsearch。

下一步,考虑到日志文件的存储会消耗磁盘空间,我们使用 redis 的订阅模式输出日志事件到logstash。

6. 将数据输出到 redis 的订阅模式(推荐使用)

复制配置文件为/etc/suricata/suricata_redis.yaml,修改配置文件输出到 redis的channel模式

redis 的输出 频道为 suricata_alertsuricata_protocol

vim /etc/suricata/suricata_redis.yaml  # Configure the type of alert (and other) logging you would like. outputs:   - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: 			redis #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis       identity: "suricata"       facility: local5       level: Alert 			## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug       ethernet: yes  		# log ethernet header in events when available       redis:         server:         port: 6379         async: true 		## if redis replies are read asynchronously         mode: channel 		## possible values: list|lpush (default), rpush, channel|publish                    			## lpush and rpush are using a Redis list. "list" is an alias for lpush                    			## publish is using a Redis channel. "channel" is an alias for publish         key: suricata_alert         pipelining:           enabled: yes           batch-size: 10        metadata: yes       pcap-file: true       community-id: true       community-id-seed: 0       xff:         enabled: yes         mode: extra-data         deployment: reverse         header: X-Forwarded-For        types:         - alert:             payload: no             packet: no              # enable dumping of packet (without stream segments)             metadata: yes             # enable inclusion of app layer metadata with alert. Default yes             http-body: yes           # Requires metadata; enable dumping of HTTP body in Base64             tagged-packets: yes             metadata:                 app-layer: true                 flow: false                 rule:                     metadata: false                     raw: false             xff:               enabled: yes               mode: extra-data               deployment: reverse               header: X-Forwarded-For     # Extensible Event Format (nicknamed EVE) event log in JSON format   - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: redis 	#regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis       identity: "suricata"       facility: local5       level: Info 		## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical, ## Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug       ethernet: yes  	# log ethernet header in events when available       redis:         server:         port: 6379         async: true         mode: channel 	## possible values: list|lpush (default), rpush, channel|publish                    		## lpush and rpush are using a Redis list. "list" is an alias for lpush                    		## publish is using a Redis channel. "channel" is an alias for publish         key: suricata_protocol ## key or channel to use (default to suricata)         pipelining:           enabled: yes           batch-size: 10       metadata: yes       pcap-file: true       community-id: true       community-id-seed: 0        xff:         enabled: yes         mode: extra-data         deployment: reverse         header: X-Forwarded-For        types:         - http:             extended: yes             dump-all-headers: both          - dns:             version: 2             enabled: yes             requests: yes             responses: yes             formats: [detailed, grouped]             types: [a, ns, md, mf, cname, soa, mb, mg, mr, null, wks, ptr, hinfo, minfo, mx, txt, rp, afsdb, x25, isdn, rt, nsap, nsapptr, sig, key, px, gpos, aaaa, loc, nxt, srv, atma, naptr, kx, cert, a6, dname, opt, apl, ds, sshfp, ipseckey, rrsig, nsec, dnskey, dhcid, nsec3, nsec3param, tlsa, hip, cds, cdnskey, spf, tkey, tsig, maila, any, uri]          - tls:             extended: yesd             session-resumption: yes             custom: [subject, issuer, session_resumed, serial, fingerprint, sni, version, not_before, not_after, certificate, chain, ja3, ja3s] 


suricata -i ens33 -c /etc/suricata/suricata_redis.yaml -v -k none --runmode autofp 

查看启动日志输出,存在 All AFP capture threads are running.即说明启动成功。


在redis启动消费消息队列,监听suricata的输出 频道为 suricata_alert

[root@NTA data]# redis-cli> SUBSCRIBE suricata_alert Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) "subscribe" 2) "suricata_alert" 3) (integer) 1 


下载安装 科来网络分析系统:https://www.colasoft.com.cn/download/capsa.php

发包之后可以看到 redis 消费到了新的数据

1) "message" 2) "suricata_alert" 3) "{"timestamp":"2023-04-20T10:58:20.279310+0800","flow_id":1915493846657675,"in_iface":"ens33","event_type":"alert","src_ip":"","src_port":64452,"dest_ip":"","dest_port":80,"proto":"TCP","ether":{"src_mac":"f4:5c:89:b1:1d:bd","dest_mac":"60:da:83:36:bb:e9"},"community_id":"1:CtewaAnze05BxdS8vTRNBawnYwI=","tx_id":0,"alert":{"action":"allowed","gid":1,"signature_id":3,"rev":0,"signature":"HTTP protocol","category":"","severity":3},"http":{"hostname":"","url":"/","http_user_agent":"python-requests/2.6.2 CPython/2.7.10 Darwin/18.0.0","http_content_type":"text/html","http_method":"GET","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","status":401,"length":459,"http_response_body":"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"},"app_proto":"http","host":"suricata_sensor"}" 

7. logstash 订阅redis数据,并输出到 elasticsearch

ELK 的安装见上一章。流量分析工具(一):centos7安装ELK 8.7 并配置密码


由于是有两个频道输出日志,可以启用logstash 的 pipelines模式,配置文件/usr/share/logstash/config/pipelines.yml

# /usr/share/logstash/config/pipelines.yml  ##唯一id(标识用的) #- pipeline.id: logstash_test ##开启线程数量 #  pipeline.workers: 10 ##指定对应conf文件 #  path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash_test.conf" - pipeline.id: suricata_alert   pipeline.workers: 10   queue.type: persisted   path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash_alert.conf"  - pipeline.id: suricata_protocol   pipeline.workers: 10   queue.type: persisted   path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash_protocol.conf" 


# /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash_alert.conf  # 从redis读取 input { 	redis { 		data_type => "pattern_channel" 		key => "suricata_alert" 		host => "" 		port => 6379 		threads => 10 	} }  # 从文件读取 # input # { #     file #     { #             path => ["/data/suricata/protocol/alert-*.json"] #             codec =>  "json" #             # sincedb_path => "NULL" 		# windows 的选择 #             sincedb_path => "/dev/null"	# linux 的选择 #             start_position => "beginning" #     } # }  filter{ 	# 矫正 @timestamp 用于生成索引名的时间 	ruby{ 	   code => "event.set('n_logstashStamp', (event.get('@timestamp').time.localtime + 8*60*60).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))" 	} 	date { 		 match => [ "n_logstashStamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ] 		 target => "@timestamp" 	} 	mutate  { 		#将不需要的JSON字段过滤 		remove_field => ["n_logstashStamp", "@version", "event", "log"] 	} }  # 输出elasticsearch,配置用户名和密码 output {     elasticsearch {         hosts => [""]         index => "alert_%{+YYYYMMdd}" 		user => elastic 		password => "elastic_023" 		timeout => 300     } 
# /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash_protocol.conf  # 从redis读取 input { 	redis { 		data_type => "pattern_channel" 		key => "suricata_protocol" 		host => "" 		port => 6379 		threads => 10 	} }  # 从文件读取 # input # { #     file #     { #             path => ["/data/suricata/protocol/protocol-*.json"] #             codec =>  "json" #             # sincedb_path => "NULL" 		# windows 的选择 #             sincedb_path => "/dev/null"	# linux 的选择 #             start_position => "beginning" #     } # }  	filter{ 		# 矫正 @timestamp 用于生成索引名的时间 	    ruby{ 		   code => "event.set('n_logstashStamp', (event.get('@timestamp').time.localtime + 8*60*60).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))" 		} 		date { 			 match => [ "n_logstashStamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ] 			 target => "@timestamp" 		} 		mutate  { 			#将不需要的JSON字段过滤 			remove_field => ["n_logstashStamp", "@version", "event", "log"] 		} 	} 	 # 输出elasticsearch,配置用户名和密码 output {     elasticsearch {         hosts => [""]         index => "protocol_%{+YYYYMMdd}" 		user => elastic 		password => "elastic_023" 		timeout => 300     } 

启用logstash,执行 /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash ,启动程序

[root@NTA config]# /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash Using bundled JDK: /usr/share/logstash/jdk ....... ....... ....... 

遇到redis 的消息之后,logstash会自动入库,可以在kibana中查看索引和日志数据。

# kibana的开发控制台中:  GET _cat/indices  yellow open protocol_20230419 h6kk5wMnThGfY96XXCcUnw 1 1 221962 0  46.8mb  46.8mb yellow open alert_20230420    I4Ev2UCxRDuY6SHW3i6IAg 1 1    710 0   3.7mb   3.7mb yellow open alert_20230419    9LlRi5yYQpy4kco2EbRenA 1 1   3130 0 805.7kb 805.7kb yellow open protocol_20230420 AqKtF6DBTQ-u3iyjZxPjfQ 1 1     60 0 177.1kb 177.1kb 


8. suricata 全文配置文件

%YAML 1.1 --- vars:   address-groups:     HOME_NET: "[,,]"     EXTERNAL_NET: "!$HOME_NET"     HTTP_SERVERS: "$HOME_NET"     SMTP_SERVERS: "$HOME_NET"     SQL_SERVERS: "$HOME_NET"     DNS_SERVERS: "$HOME_NET"     TELNET_SERVERS: "$HOME_NET"     AIM_SERVERS: "$EXTERNAL_NET"     DC_SERVERS: "$HOME_NET"     DNP3_SERVER: "$HOME_NET"     DNP3_CLIENT: "$HOME_NET"     MODBUS_CLIENT: "$HOME_NET"     MODBUS_SERVER: "$HOME_NET"     ENIP_CLIENT: "$HOME_NET"     ENIP_SERVER: "$HOME_NET"   port-groups:     HTTP_PORTS: "80"     SHELLCODE_PORTS: "!80"     ORACLE_PORTS: 1521     SSH_PORTS: 22     DNP3_PORTS: 20000     MODBUS_PORTS: 502     FILE_DATA_PORTS: "[$HTTP_PORTS,110,143]"     FTP_PORTS: 21     GENEVE_PORTS: 6081     VXLAN_PORTS: 4789     TEREDO_PORTS: 3544 	 default-log-dir: /etc/suricata/log/ stats:   enabled: yes   interval: 8  outputs:   - fast:       enabled: no       filename: fast.log       append: yes   - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: redis #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis         identity: "suricata"       facility: local5       level: Alert ## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug       ethernet: yes  # log ethernet header in events when available       redis:         server:         port: 6379         async: true ## if redis replies are read asynchronously         mode: channel ## possible values: list|lpush (default), rpush, channel|publish         key: suricata_alert ## key or channel to use (default to suricata)          pipelining:           enabled: yes ## set enable to yes to enable query pipelining           batch-size: 10 ## number of entries to keep in buffer       metadata: yes       pcap-file: true       community-id: true       community-id-seed: 0       xff:         enabled: yes         mode: extra-data         deployment: reverse         header: X-Forwarded-For       types:         - alert:             payload: no             # enable dumping payload in Base64             packet: no              # enable dumping of packet (without stream segments)             metadata: yes             # enable inclusion of app layer metadata with alert. Default yes             http-body: yes           # Requires metadata; enable dumping of HTTP body in Base64             tagged-packets: yes             metadata:                  app-layer: true                  flow: false                 rule:                     metadata: false                     raw: false              xff:               enabled: yes               mode: extra-data               deployment: reverse               header: X-Forwarded-For    - eve-log:       enabled: yes       filetype: redis #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis        identity: "suricata"       facility: local5       level: Info ## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical,       ethernet: yes  # log ethernet header in events when available       redis:         server:         port: 6379         async: true ## if redis replies are read asynchronously         mode: channel ## possible values: list|lpush (default), rpush, channel|publish         key: suricata_protocol ## key or channel to use (default to suricata)          pipelining:           enabled: yes ## set enable to yes to enable query pipelining           batch-size: 10 ## number of entries to keep in buffer 		       metadata: yes       pcap-file: true       community-id: true       community-id-seed: 0       xff:         enabled: yes         mode: extra-data         deployment: reverse         header: X-Forwarded-For       types:         - anomaly:             enabled: no             types:               decode: yes               stream: yes               applayer: yes             packethdr: yes          - http:             extended: yes     # enable this for extended logging information             dump-all-headers: both          - dns:             version: 2             enabled: yes             requests: yes             responses: yes             formats: [detailed, grouped]             types: [a, ns, md, mf, cname, soa, mb, mg, mr, null, wks, ptr, hinfo, minfo, mx, txt, rp, afsdb, x25, isdn, rt, nsap, nsapptr, sig, key, px, gpos, aaaa, loc, nxt, srv, atma, naptr, kx, cert, a6, dname, opt, apl, ds, sshfp, ipseckey, rrsig, nsec, dnskey, dhcid, nsec3, nsec3param, tlsa, hip, cds, cdnskey, spf, tkey, tsig, maila, any, uri]          - tls:             extended: yes     # enable this for extended logging information             session-resumption: yes             custom: [subject, issuer, session_resumed, serial, fingerprint, sni, version, not_before, not_after, certificate, chain, ja3, ja3s]            - smtp:             extended: yes # enable this for extended logging information             custom: [received, x-mailer, x-originating-ip, relays, reply-to, bcc]         - ftp         - rdp         - nfs         - smb         - tftp         - ikev2         - dcerpc         - krb5         - snmp         - dhcp:             enabled: yes             extended: yes         - ssh         - mqtt:             passwords: yes           # enable output of passwords          - http2         - flow         - metadata   - http-log:       enabled: no       filename: http.log       append: yes       extended: yes     # enable this for extended logging information       custom: yes       # enable the custom logging format (defined by customformat)       customformat: "%{%D-%H:%M:%S}t.%z %{X-Forwarded-For}i %H %m %h %u %s %B %a:%p -> %A:%P"       filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'   - tls-log:       enabled: no  # Log TLS connections.       filename: tls.log # File to store TLS logs.       append: yes       extended: yes     # Log extended information like fingerprint       custom: yes       # enabled the custom logging format (defined by customformat)       customformat: "%{%D-%H:%M:%S}t.%z %a:%p -> %A:%P %v %n %d %D"       filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'       session-resumption: yes   - tls-store:       enabled: no       certs-log-dir: certs # directory to store the certificates files   - pcap-log:       enabled: yes       filename: listen.pcap       limit: 1000mb       max-files: 100    # 100G       compression: none       mode: sguil # normal, multi or sguil.       dir: /data/suricata/pcaps/        use-stream-depth: no #If set to "yes" packets seen after reaching stream inspection depth are ignored. "no" logs all packets       honor-pass-rules: no # If set to "yes", flows in which a pass rule matched will stop being logged.   - alert-debug:       enabled: no       filename: alert-debug.log       append: yes   - alert-prelude:       enabled: no       profile: suricata       log-packet-content: no       log-packet-header: yes   - stats:       enabled: yes       filename: stats.log       append: yes       # append to file (yes) or overwrite it (no)       totals: yes       # stats for all threads merged together       threads: no       # per thread stats   - syslog:       enabled: no       facility: local5   - file-store:       version: 2       enabled: no       dir: /data/suricata/filestore       write-fileinfo: yes       force-filestore: yes       force-hash: [sha1, md5]       xff:         enabled: yes         mode: extra-data         deployment: reverse         header: X-Forwarded-For   - tcp-data:       enabled: no       type: both       filename: tcp-data.log   - http-body-data:       enabled: no       type: both       filename: http-data.log   - lua:       enabled: no       scripts: logging:   default-log-level: notice   default-output-filter:   outputs:   - console:       enabled: yes       type: json   - file:       enabled: yes       level: info       filename: suricata.log       type: json   - syslog:       enabled: no       facility: local5       format: "[%i] <%d> -- "       type: json af-packet:   - interface: ens33     threads: auto     cluster-id: 99     cluster-type: cluster_flow     defrag: yes   - interface: default pcap:   - interface: ens33   - interface: default pcap-file:   checksum-checks: auto app-layer:   protocols:     rfb:       enabled: yes       detection-ports:         dp: 5900, 5901, 5902, 5903, 5904, 5905, 5906, 5907, 5908, 5909     mqtt:       enabled: yes     krb5:       enabled: yes     snmp:       enabled: yes     ikev2:       enabled: yes     tls:       enabled: yes       detection-ports:         dp: 443       ja3-fingerprints: yes       encryption-handling: bypass     dcerpc:       enabled: yes     ftp:       enabled: yes     rdp:       enabled: yes     ssh:       enabled: yes     http2:       enabled: yes       http1-rules: no     smtp:       enabled: yes       raw-extraction: no       mime:         decode-mime: yes         decode-base64: yes         decode-quoted-printable: yes         header-value-depth: 2000         extract-urls: yes         body-md5: no       inspected-tracker:         content-limit: 100000         content-inspect-min-size: 32768         content-inspect-window: 4096     imap:       enabled: detection-only     smb:       enabled: yes       detection-ports:         dp: 139, 445     nfs:       enabled: yes     tftp:       enabled: yes     dns:       tcp:         enabled: yes         detection-ports:           dp: 53       udp:         enabled: yes         detection-ports:           dp: 53     http:       enabled: yes       libhtp:          default-config:            personality: IDS            request-body-limit: 100kb            response-body-limit: 100kb            request-body-minimal-inspect-size: 32kb            request-body-inspect-window: 4kb            response-body-minimal-inspect-size: 40kb            response-body-inspect-window: 16kb            response-body-decompress-layer-limit: 2            http-body-inline: auto            swf-decompression:              enabled: yes              type: both              compress-depth: 100kb              decompress-depth: 100kb            double-decode-path: no            double-decode-query: no          server-config:     modbus:       enabled: no       detection-ports:         dp: 502       stream-depth: 0     dnp3:       enabled: no       detection-ports:         dp: 20000     enip:       enabled: no       detection-ports:         dp: 44818         sp: 44818     ntp:       enabled: yes     dhcp:       enabled: yes     sip:       enabled: yes asn1-max-frames: 256 sensor-name: suricata_sensor pid-file: /etc/suricata/suricata.pid coredump:   max-dump: unlimited host-mode: sniffer-only runmode: autofp default-packet-size: 1510 unix-command:   enabled: auto geoip-database: /etc/suricata/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb legacy:   uricontent: enabled engine-analysis:   rules-fast-pattern: yes   rules: yes pcre:   match-limit: 3500   match-limit-recursion: 1500 host-os-policy:   windows: []   bsd: []   bsd-right: []   old-linux: []   linux: []   old-solaris: []   solaris: []   hpux10: []   hpux11: []   irix: []   macos: []   vista: []   windows2k3: [] defrag:   memcap: 32mb   hash-size: 65536   trackers: 65535 # number of defragmented flows to follow   max-frags: 65535 # number of fragments to keep (higher than trackers)   prealloc: yes   timeout: 60 flow:   memcap: 128mb   hash-size: 65536   prealloc: 10000   emergency-recovery: 30 vlan:   use-for-tracking: true flow-timeouts:   default:     new: 30     established: 300     closed: 0     bypassed: 100     emergency-new: 10     emergency-established: 100     emergency-closed: 0     emergency-bypassed: 50   tcp:     new: 60     established: 600     closed: 60     bypassed: 100     emergency-new: 5     emergency-established: 100     emergency-closed: 10     emergency-bypassed: 50   udp:     new: 30     established: 300     bypassed: 100     emergency-new: 10     emergency-established: 100     emergency-bypassed: 50   icmp:     new: 30     established: 300     bypassed: 100     emergency-new: 10     emergency-established: 100     emergency-bypassed: 50 stream:   memcap: 64mb   checksum-validation: yes      # reject incorrect csums   inline: auto                  # auto will use inline mode in IPS mode, yes or no set it statically   reassembly:     memcap: 256mb     depth: 1mb                  # reassemble 1mb into a stream     toserver-chunk-size: 2560     toclient-chunk-size: 2560     randomize-chunk-size: yes host:   hash-size: 4096   prealloc: 1000   memcap: 32mb decoder:   teredo:     enabled: true     ports: $TEREDO_PORTS # syntax: '[3544, 1234]' or '3533' or 'any'.   vxlan:     enabled: true     ports: $VXLAN_PORTS # syntax: '[8472, 4789]' or '4789'.   vntag:     enabled: false   geneve:     enabled: true     ports: $GENEVE_PORTS # syntax: '[6081, 1234]' or '6081'. detect:   profile: medium   custom-values:     toclient-groups: 3     toserver-groups: 25   sgh-mpm-context: auto   inspection-recursion-limit: 3000   prefilter:     default: mpm   grouping:   profiling:     grouping:       dump-to-disk: false       include-rules: false      # very verbose       include-mpm-stats: false mpm-algo: auto spm-algo: auto threading:   set-cpu-affinity: no   cpu-affinity:     - management-cpu-set:         cpu: [ 0 ]  # include only these CPUs in affinity settings     - receive-cpu-set:         cpu: [ 0 ]  # include only these CPUs in affinity settings     - worker-cpu-set:         cpu: [ "all" ]         mode: "exclusive"         prio:           low: [ 0 ]           medium: [ "1-2" ]           high: [ 3 ]           default: "medium"   detect-thread-ratio: 1.0 luajit:   states: 128 profiling:   rules:     enabled: no     filename: rule_perf.log     append: yes     limit: 10     json: yes   keywords:     enabled: no     filename: keyword_perf.log     append: yes   prefilter:     enabled: yes     filename: prefilter_perf.log     append: yes   rulegroups:     enabled: no     filename: rule_group_perf.log     append: yes   packets:     enabled: no     filename: packet_stats.log     append: yes     csv:       enabled: no       filename: packet_stats.csv   locks:     enabled: no     filename: lock_stats.log     append: yes   pcap-log:     enabled: no     filename: pcaplog_stats.log     append: yes nfq: nflog:   - group: 2     buffer-size: 18432   - group: default     qthreshold: 1     qtimeout: 100     max-size: 20000 capture: netmap:  - interface: eth2  - interface: default pfring:   - interface: ens33     threads: auto     cluster-id: 99     cluster-type: cluster_flow   - interface: default ipfw: napatech:     streams: ["0-3"]     enable-stream-stats: no     auto-config: yes     hardware-bypass: yes     inline: no     ports: [0-1,2-3]     hashmode: hash5tuplesorted default-rule-path: /etc/suricata/rules rule-files:   - suricata.rules classification-file: /etc/suricata/classification.config reference-config-file: /etc/suricata/reference.config threshold-file: /etc/suricata/threshold.config 

本文作者:, 转载请注明来自FreeBuf.COM

# Suricata # ELK # 网络流量分析 # 全流量回溯取证

Notice: Undefined variable: canUpdate in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-autopost-pro/wp-autopost-function.php on line 51