So long and thanks for all the 0day | xxxSo long and thanks for all the 0day – xxx

So long and thanks for all the 0day

十一月 23, 2022 - nccgroup

After nearly four years into my role, I am stepping down as NCC Group’s SVP & Global Head of Research. In part just for myself, to reflect on a whirlwind few years, and in part as a thank you and celebration of all of the incredible researchers with whom I have had the privilege of working, I’m writing this post to share:

I am proud of what we have accomplished together. First of all, we survived a global pandemic and somehow managed to publish any security research at all, despite how profoundly this affected so many of us. And it amazes me to say that in fact, across a team of several hundred technical security consultants globally, we’ve published over 600 research publications (research papers, technical blog posts, technical advisories/CVEs, conference talks, and open-source tool releases) since 2019, including releasing well over 60 open-source security tools, and presenting around 150 conference presentations at venues including Black Hat USA, Shmoocon, ACM CCS,, REcon, IEEE Security & Privacy, Appsec USA, Toorcon, Oracle Code One, BSidesLV, O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence, Chaos Communication Congress, Microsoft BlueHat, HITB Amsterdam, RSA Conference, Ekoparty, CanSecWest, the Linux Foundation Member Summit, DEF CON, and countless others. We won awards, served on advisory boards, hacked drones out of the sky, served on Review Boards of top venues including USENIX WOOT and Black Hat USA, and our research has been covered by media outlets around the world, including Wired, Forbes, The New York Times, Bloomberg, Ars Technica, Politico, DarkReading, Techcrunch, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, VICE, and hundreds of other mainstream and trade publications globally.

More importantly, we have: 

And I hope that it has been tremendously worthwhile.

Part 1: On leading a security research team

At NCC Group, our approach to security research has been and will continue to be, I think, somewhat unique within our industry. We do not have a small team of full-time researchers we invest in and put on display as evidence of the firm’s broader capability – rather, all of our researchers are seconded to research part-time from their consulting or internal development roles. We are all peers, where people doing their first-ever security research project have equal access to research time and other investment as do established, world-class researchers.

We deliberately resist the trope of the “brilliant asshole,” knowing full well that rockstar-ism and disrespect destroy the type of culture which enables the kind of intellectual risk-taking that security research requires. (Besides – the most talented people I’ve met in my career tend to also be the most humble and kind). 

From my experiences over the past four years, here are a few other things I believe to be true: 

Part 2: A few of my favourite projects (2018-2022)

In the last few years we’ve published well over 600 research talks, blogs, papers, tools and advisories. You can read about every single thing we published in 2020 and 2021 in our corresponding Annual Research Reports. Some of the earlier work has through no fault of our own unfortunately been lost to the sands of time.  

Here, I’ll just share a few (okay, more than a few) of my very favourite things from my time at NCC Group by a number of talented consultants and researchers, past and present. Admittedly, there have been a lot of great projects and this is at best a pseudorandom sample of fond memories. Most of the things below are research projects, but some of them are interesting initiatives we’ve worked on inside or outside NCC Group, not to mention our many publicly-reported security audits of critical software and hardware, and the creation and rapid growth of our Commercial Research division.

Video source: Dan Goodin of Ars Technica

Conclusion & greets

It feels so strange to say goodbye – we haven’t even released “Symphony of Shellcode” yet 😮  

I’m forever grateful to Dave Goldsmith, Nick Rowe, and Ollie Whitehouse for taking a chance on me and allowing me the unreal opportunity to lead such an esteemed technical team, and for the friendship and contributions of them and of many other technical leaders (past* and present) across NCC Group – not least, NCC Group’s Commercial Research Director and former UK/EU/APAC Research Director Matt Lewis, as well as Jeff Dileo, Jeremy Boone, Will Groesbeck, Kevin Dunn, Ian Robertson, Damian Archer*, Rob Wood, Javed Samuel, Chris Anley, Nick Dunn, Robert Seacord*, Richard Appleby, Timur Duehr, Daniel Romero, Iain Smart, Clint Gibler*, Spencer Michaels*, Drew Suarez*, Joel St John*, Ray Lai*, and Bob Wessen* – as well as our program coordinators Aaron Haymore* and R. Rivera, and the dozens (real talk: hundreds) of talented consultants with whom I’ve had the tremendous privilege of working. Thank you for justifying simultaneously both my deep existential fear that everything is hackable, and my hope that there are so many bright, ethically-minded people using all of their power to make things safer and more secure for us all.

And now, onto the next dream <3

So long and thanks for all the 0day

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